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Blake's outfit

Chapter Seventy-One🌒 The Last Chimera 🌘

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Chapter Seventy-One
🌒 The Last Chimera 🌘

Blake pulled up to the woods and instantly jumped out if her car after grabbing a flashlight. She shined it around trying to see if she could see anything, "Lydia! Lydia!" She called out but got nothing back making her sigh before picking a random direction to run in.

She stopped after a few minutes to catch her breath. "Come on Lyds. Where are you?" She mumbled and then an idea crossed her mind. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She only let Lydia cloud her thoughts but before anything could happen she heard someone call out her name.

Her eyes snapped open and she turned around to see Parrish walking over to her, "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Looking for Lydia. What are you doing?" She asked, "Looking for Lydia too." He answered making her look at him confused. "How do you know Lydia's out here?" She asked and he sighed, "I don't really know how to explain it but I saw you guys." He said making her furrow her brows, "You saw us?" She asked and he nodded. "Please don't ask, I'd rather not say it." He said making her raise her eyebrows.

"Okay, I won't ask. For now." She said and then sighed, "Now we just need to find Lydia." She said and he nodded. "Right, how are we going to so that?" He asked, "Well, since you saw us that means whatever you are, you're spiritually connected to us. So, we'll be able to find her." She said and he just looked at her confused, "Okay but how?" He asked and she held her hands out.

"Give me your hands." She said and he raise his eyebrows, "What?" He asked and she rolled her eyes. "Just give me your damn hands Deputy." She said and he sighed, "Are you ever gonna stop calling me Deputy?" He asked as he put his hands in hers. "Fine, I'll call you Hot Shot. Now, close your eyes and only think about Lydia and about finding her." She said and he nodded before doing what she said.

They stood like that for a minute until they both opened their eyes. His eyes glowed a fiery orange while her's were completely white. They both subconsciously turned in a direction and started walking as if they were in a trance.

They stopped walking and they're eyes went back to normal and that's when they saw Lydia lying on the ground. "Lydia!" Blake yelled before running over to her.


"Scott, wake up. Scott-" Blake said as she lightly shook Scott who was laying on the floor in the hallway. He wakes up and Blake helps him onto his hands and knees so he can sit up. The already worried Blake looks even more concerned when she notices that Scott's chest wound has already bled through the new bandage Scott put on it, causing a red stain to bloom on his white shirt

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋 ➢ ꜱᴛɪʟᴇꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟɪɴꜱᴋɪWhere stories live. Discover now