Chapter 2...

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A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying it already, who do you think will hook up with who? Ooooh, getting tense ;) COMMENT, VOTE, READ! Xoxox

Chapter 2:

Gemma’s P.OV:

The sun shone through the windows. The memories of the night before flooded through my head and I shot upright, where was Jessika? A firm hand gripped my shoulder, laying me back down, his familiar thick eyebrows and strong accent stuck in my head, A smile formed on my lips at the thought of him by my bedside as I slept. Ashley. “You need to lie down” he informed me, stroking a stray hair out of my eyes. “You’re okay, you’re at our place now”

It all seemed too perfect to be real, I squeezed my eyes together and opened them again, I repeated this at least 5 times but his perfectly puzzled face still smiled at me. “What on earth are you doing?” he inquired letting out a light chuckle. “Waiting to wake up” I sighed. His face dropped and he came closer to me. Ash lowered his voice. “You’re never going to wake up” he whispered seriously now “This is all real” I couldn’t cope with how close he was, swinging my legs off of the sofa I pushed past him and through a door in the hope it was the bathroom…It wasn't!

Ash's P.OV:

She pushed straight past me. Had I scared her? Before I could stop her she had opened the door leading to Dru's room. This girl soon retreated out of the room running back up to me. Her eyes wide with surprise. I held in my laughter. “What the hell girl!?” Dru shouted, emerging from his safe haven he called his room. I suddenly realised something important. I didn’t even know this girls name! As if reading my thoughts Dru turned to her “What IS your name?” he questioned looking a bit uncomfortable. “It’s Gemma” she replied, finding it perfectly normal. “This is Jessika” she smiled pointing to the blushing girl entering the room. “And can I ask you a question then Gemma?” Dru carried on. “Of course!” She replied as if the answer was obvious. “WHY THE HELL WERE YOU IN MY ROOM!?” I couldn’t hold in the laughter, I clutched my stomach; it hurt so badly. I fell to the hard, dark wood floor. THUD. Suddenly Stefan came racing into the lounge. “Is everything okay?” He fretted in his high pitch voice he only used when he was panicked. “I-Just-I-ermm” Gemma stuttered, A little shaken up, after a few seconds she continued. “I saw Dru Wakely naked” she rushed…Stefan joined me on the floor; he was rolling around also clutching his stomach. Only one word could escape his lips and it did so within seconds “PERVERT” He shrieked, making me laugh harder. Everyone was laughing now. Except for poor Dru. He stomped off into his room, mumbling a few words under his breathe. After a few minutes we all composed ourselves. I noticed Gemma staring worriedly towards Dru’s door biting her bottom lip. My feet grew a mind of their own and dragged me over to her, my arms also decided to join the 'Do whatever I feel like' crew as my left one draped over her shoulder. “It'll be alright” I smiled, trying to keep control of myself. “He'll be fine in a couple of hours” I winked at her as I strolled over to the kitchen. She seemed pleased with my reply and smiled up to me before following Stefan out of the lounge to the games room.

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