Chapter 5...

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Chapter 5:

Jessika's P.O.V:

How could Dru and Charlotte be over? He stood in front of me, his cheeks stained with tears. “Dru…” I paused “Surely she knows you would never do that” He looked up at me, I couldn’t help it, he looked so lost, I pulled him into a hug. Just then the kitchen door opened. “Dru im sorry, I shouldn’t of…” Charlotte stopped mid-sentence distinguishing me and Dru interlocked in the deserted kitchen. Dru pushed me off, I tumbled to the floor and twisted my wrist as I landed, looking up at him and Charlotte my eyes widened. This was not good.

“HOW COULD YOU!?” I heard Charlotte scream. There was a smash, something valuable broken. Me and Stefan were huddled up on the sofa, Ash and Gemma were still at wherever they'd disappeared to earlier and Dru and Charlotte were in Dru’s bedroom. An amusing thought popped into my head and I burst out laughing. “What?” smiled Stefan, I composed myself and elaborated “It’s just…If Charlottes kicking off like this because I hugged him, imagine how pissed she'd be if she knew Gemma had seen him naked!” I whispered still laughing a little. Stefan burst into a fit, falling off of the sofa and landing on the floor, this made me laugh harder and I was soon on the floor beside him. Stef rolled over onto his back and gazed up at me. The tears stopped streaming down my face and I gazed down at Stefan, I got my breathe back quickly. “What?” I inquired tilting my head and glaring at Stefan. No reply. “WHAT?” I repeated, kicking him and shocking him out of his dreamland. “Sorry, I was just daydreaming.” He smiled, scrambling to his feet.  “Can we do something fun?” I begged tugging at his arm. “Like what?” he asked kicking me gently. “Owwww!” I exaggerated my injury. Pulling myself to my feet and limping through to the kitchen. I heard Stefan chuckle. I threw the door shut behind me and raced to the cupboard looking for one thing…KETCHUP!  I poured half the bottle all down my leg, Let out one last screech and threw myself to the floor with a loud THUD! “Gemma!?” I heard Stefan shout; I held back my laughter and squeezed my eyes shut. “Gemma!?” He shouted again slightly more anxious. I heard him get to his feet and slowly tiptoe towards the kitchen door.

Stefan’s P.O.V: 

What was up with her? I started to get worried! I didn’t think she was actually hurt but she hit the floor with such a bang that she might be unconscious!  I pushed the door open and that was when I saw her. Crumpled up on the floor and her leg was bleeding! “OMG Jessika!” I ran to her side lifting her up, I was halfway through the kitchen, walking towards the games room when she suddenly let out a burst of laughter! It made me jump and I dropped her unexpectedly onto the hard floor. Jessika got to her feet and stood about a metre away from me. Cautiously I took a step towards her, then flew at her and rugby tackled her to the beanbag that was placed neatly behind us. We wrestled around for a while then suddenly she pushed me to the floor and sat on my chest. We sat staring into each other’s eyes until I quickly stood up, making her tumble to the floor. Well that was intense!

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