Chapter 19...

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Chapter 19…

Ash’s P.O.V:

I had no time to sort Dru out; we needed to get Stef to a hospital. Racing down the hall I dragged Stef along with me. “Gemma! Get the car open!” I called as we approached the lounge. Jess came flying over, trying to help me. I held her back and looked her in the eyes. “Go and see to Dru” I sighed “He needs somebody there for him as well” Jess hesitated but then slowly made her way towards Dru’s room. I managed to drag Stef out the door and pack him into the back seat. I threw myself into the driver’s seat and Gemma got into the passenger’s side. I put the key in the ignition and a mumble came from the back of the car. “Jess?” Stef grumbled “She’s safe in the house” Gemma sobbed. Stef was suddenly trying to sit up. Scrambling to open the door. “What on earth are you doing?” I ordered “She can’t be left with Dru!” Stef cried “He’s gunna hurt her!” The last few words were muffled as he fell back to the seat hiding his head in the seat. He’d passed out. I suddenly threw my foot on the pedal and the car accelerated rapidly onto the busy road. There wasn’t that much traffic but I went speeding down the streets beeping the horn. Why wouldn’t people understand it was an emergency? A tear spilled down my cheek and my feeble attempt to hide it failed.

Gemma’s P.O.V:

I turned to see a tear fall from Ash’s eye. This was hurting him, everything was falling apart and he was the only sane one. “Ash” I mumbled “Are…Are you okay?” He shook his head rapidly and gripped the steering wheel even tighter. “Let’s just get Stef sorted and then we’ll worry about me…” he trailed off. Finally we were there and Ash came to a sharp halt right outside the automatic doors. He didn’t even take the key out of the ignition, he ran straight round to Stef and threw him over his shoulder. He swiftly disappeared inside the hospital and I sorted out the car. I parked it in an appropriate space and locked it all up securely before buying a ticket. I didn’t want to go in there. I didn’t want to see Stef like that but I couldn’t leave Ash on his own, He needed me! I cautiously edged through the doors and ended up in a waiting room. No sign of Ash. I tiptoed up to the old woman at the desk “Have you had a Stefan Abingdon admitted?” I inquired; the woman nodded and just buzzed me through the locked door without even looking up from her crossword. Rude! I quickly rushed through the door before it closed on me, locking me out. I followed the markings on the floor, they led me to another desk where a sign read “Ring the bell for service” Focusing on being mature I ignored the euphemism and rang it. A young girl bobbed around the corner and appeared at the desk “Can I help you?” she grinned, I nodded “Im looking for a Mr Stefan Abingdon” I smiled back. She knew straight away who I meant. “Oh yes” her face dropped “He was in a pretty bad way, he’s through here” she led me down another long corridor and stopped at a door. She opened it for me and gestured for me to enter. Stepping in I grimaced at the sight. Stef was still passed out, probably from pain, and a male nurse was stitching his eyebrow up. Next to Stef’s bed was an anxious Ash, his eyes were red and he had Stef’s hand in his. When he noticed me enter, Ash dropped his best friends hand and raced over. He took me in his strong arms and held me into his chest. Throwing my arms around Ash’s neck I pulled him closer. “Everything’s going to be okay” I whispered. I believed this, I really did…But then my phone rang

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