Chapter 1- A Sudden Entrance

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It was noon and I had just awoken to the sound of Amelia watching her favorite show "The Bachelor", on what seemed to be full volume. I could never understand how one could sit alone whilst watching a mind-numbing show about the faux paws and clichés of the fake dating world but alas I had no choice but to awake. I stumbled out of bed and walked downstairs so I could tell our chef about some new vegan recipes I found. Much to my surprise, he obliged without arguing with me like he usually does. I walked over to Amelia to tell her to turn her obnoxious showdown before my ears would spontaneously combust.

"Why don't you stop watching that show so we can get some cleaning done?" I say begrudgingly.

"Just let me finish, it's just now getting good!" Gayle replies.

I mumble insults at them with the tiniest hope they might hear me mocking them quietly. I began to clean the kitchen that was covered in confetti from the party we had the night before. My head was pounding from the copious amounts of alcohol I consumed, which could be the reason I slept in so late. After staring at Amelia with an evil glare I finally guilted them into cleaning the disheveled mansion with me. After hours of trying to scrub the smell of alcohol off of almost everything we own, the cleaning had just about come to a close. Before we could finish, Amelia and I put the cardboard boxes leftover from the night before into our box closet. This closet is where we kept all of our boxes to possibly be recycled one day, but for now, we just kept them piled up inside this one closet. As I open the closet door I am faced with a strange box I had never seen before. It was about four feet wide and two feet tall and it did not indicate where it came from or who it once belonged to. As Amelia was clumsily throwing the boxes into the closet she threw a big box, still full of empty beer bottles on my foot. I grabbed my foot in pain whilst yelling at her for being so careless. That's when I lost my balance and fell into the strange box I had noticed earlier. All of a sudden I could feel myself falling and falling and falling as if this four by two-foot box was some sort of bottomless pit. I felt as if I should panic but at the same time, there was a sense of tranquility. As I continue to fall into the dark abyss, vibrant streaks of color flash before my eyes with beautiful shades of green, blue, and purple rushing past me. All of a sudden, I feel my feet hit the ground and I know I'm no longer in the mansion.


I walked into the cold, dingy kitchen. It was a rainy Sunday morning, so I was watching the water droplets roll gently down the window. After last night's events, my headaches, and I went over the conversation I had with James over and over again knowing I could have handled it better. My brother Gayle sat on the couch vomiting into a trashcan because he had one too many vodka shots throughout the party. I had nothing to do today because my sister was sleeping due to what seemed to be a severe hangover. This gave me time to catch up on my favorite show "The Bachelor". So I grabbed a cup of cranberry juice and sat down on the couch next to my brother who was oddly invested in the tv show I was watching. The sound of the rain continued to thump on the roof as Peter, The Bachelor, kissed his third girl within the last twenty minutes. Like this guy is bound to get a disease at some point. I finally heard my sister trudge down the stairs angrily mumbling words I couldn't understand. It seemed she had become a bit too greedy with the alcohol last night as well because she was very hungover. I started to get the feeling that she wasn't happy and that I was probably the reason why, yet I don't recall angering her last night. I quietly hunched over on the couch pulling the blanket over my head, hoping I had become invisible to my sister's evil stare. As I peeked through the blanket at the tv a girl started crying after another girl spilled red wine all over her bathing suit. To my disbelief, Elizabeth did not come to shout at me other than telling me to turn the volume down which may have been louder than it needed to be. Instead, I heard her cleaning the kitchen from the party the night before, that's when I realized solo cups covered the couch and the floor. After my show came to an end Elizabeth glared at me with her "Mom in charge" look in hopes I would help clean up, which worked. I grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen and headed back to the living room picking up every solo cup and bottle of empty alcohol that had been lying around. The intense cleaning took hours and even had me stating that we should never host another party. Elizabeth and I ended up doing most of the cleaning since Gayle passed out not long after "The Bachelor" ended. I saw Elizabeth taking some of the boxes to the box closet so I grabbed the recycling I had and followed behind her. As I walked in behind her she was staring at some weird box that I had never seen before, but we both ignored it and started throwing the rest of the boxes into the closet. Then my clumsy self carelessly threw a heavy box of empty beer bottles right onto Elizabeth's foot. That's when things got pretty crazy she started yelling and hopping on one foot until she ended up falling quickly right into the box from earlier.

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