Chapter 19- The Calm Before the Storm

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"Fine! What do you want to know?" The man yells as I raise the book.

"Who are you working for?" Alexander asks.

The man looks down at the floor, seemingly contemplating escape. I raise the book again and he quickly answers,

"Torryn! He made me come here and make sure you weren't trying to escape to go help your siblings!" The man answers shrilly.

"Figures," I whisper to myself.

The man puts his head down in shame, knowing no matter what he did, he was in deep shit.

"What is his plan? Why won't he leave us alone!" I ask the man in desperation.

"I don't know!" The man yells.

I raise the book and slam it across his face becoming fed up with his lies.

"Just tell the truth!" I yell, remembering what Torryn had done to my sister and how he had manipulated and hurt so many for so long.

I hear a ringing in my ear and nothing else. I see Alexander talking to the sobbing man but hear nothing but the ringing. I feel angry and confused like I have this whole time. I want to be back home at a lame party and talking to Alex about unimportant things yet I'm stuck here stuck in a castle betrothed to a deranged prince. Then, I look over at the man who has blood running down his face and I know I've gone too far. I walk over to the man untie him and he runs out the door.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asks in a concerned tone.

"I went too far, he was probably telling the truth," I responded.

"You're right, but he did give me one piece of very important information," Alexander responds.

I look at Alexander curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"He told me why Torryn brought you here. He made a deal with the prince. He said that if Torryn brought him a bride the prince would let Torryn use his men as a part of his army," Alexander states.

"What army?" I ask inquisitively.

"Torryn knows about the prophecy, he said something about you and your siblings starting an army to go against him. He said Torryn plans to attack by the river."

"That's impossible. The last time I saw my siblings they were hammered at the tavern. There's no way they could have created an entire army," I respond bewildered.

"That's why that man was sent here. Your siblings somehow came up with an entire army," Alexander answers.

I tried to process all this information but I had no time. I had to get out of this castle to help my siblings.

"How do we get out? There are guards posted every three feet," Alexander asks.

I look down at the ground for a few moments trying to come up with a clever escape. Then it hits me.

"I marry the prince," I say regretfully.

Alexander looks at me wide-eyed.

"Marry the prince! No way! I'd rather die than attend your wedding to that sad excuse of a man," Alexander scoffs.

"Hear me out. We can't risk getting caught by the guards. If we do we will be stuck here for who knows how long. If I just agree to marry the prince and we sneak out during the reception the chances of us getting caught are slim to none," I respond.

Alexander rolls his eyes in a sort of pouty way.

"I hate to admit it but you're right," Alexander states.

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