Chapter 6- A Brief Reunion

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I feel numb, so many events have taken place in the span of just a few hours. The prince, who I had just been acquainted with, was murdered moments after speaking with me. I also by some miracle, found Amelia in the same period as me. Quite possibly the most strange occurrence of these events was finding out that the loud thump I had heard was our brother Gayl. Gayle had fallen out of the sky and hit the ground so hard he temporarily paralyzed most parts of his body. After getting over the shock of finding each other, Amelia and I carried unconscious Gayle to the castle healer. The waiting area we had been told to stay was eerie with faded wallpapers and dirty rugs. Gayle was in the healer's room for a few hours before we got any sort of diagnosis. He was wheeled into the waiting room on a wooden rolling chair that could hardly be considered a wheelchair. As I was still trying to process the previous mess of events Amelia mumbles a passive-aggressive


Gayle seemed to be set on the task at hand because he immediately said

"So what are we going to do?"

Quite frankly I hadn't thought that far but I knew it wouldn't be easy. As Amelia and I were recounting what we had seen so far, we looked over at Gayle with an inquisitive look across his face. We stare at him for a second to make sure he is okay and after he noticed we had been looking at him with worry he quickly and confidently stated

"let's find a box."


As I sat in a long quiet hallway inside the castle of Armageddon, waiting for Gayle, who happened to be the one who fell out of the sky and crashed into a tree. I began to wonder how it would ever be possible to get out of this place, but at least I had my siblings. Elizabeth and I had already caught up in the first twenty minutes of seeing each other, we ended up talking really fast about everything we had been through in the last few days. Gayle on the other hand is laying in a healer's room where we can't see him. He was hurt pretty bad when he fell from the sky and through tree branches colliding with the ground, but the doctor reassured us he would be fine. Then I remembered what Gayle did and how I ended up in this place anyway. When I see him I should give him a piece of my mind. Like what kind of brother pushes their sister into a strange box that he has no idea what it does or even where it leads! What a jerk, am I right? I thought to myself as Elizabeth and I sat in the long dull hallway waiting for more news on Gayle.

"I am going to go find a bathroom," I say to Elizabeth as I stand up and walk through the long and dusty hallway smelling of old people.

"Goodness you would think a castle with so many maids would stay clean," I say aloud to myself.

As I turned a corner while looking down at the weird pattern of the carpet I collided into someone rather hard.

"Darn it," I whisper, scared to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I am trying to find someone and I just can't seem to find her anywhere," the man commented, taking a step back.

"No, I am the one who should be sorry," I say looking up scared to find who I will find in front of me.


"Oh my goodness Torryn!" I blurted out probably sounding a little too excited.

"I was looking for you everywhere,where have you been?" Torryn asked as if he was searching for information from me.

"Uhhh, well my brother and sister happened to be here and I ended up finding them in a weird moment."

"You have siblings?"

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