Chapter 16- The Recruitment

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In an attempt to not seem suspicious I walk slowly with good posture to seem like I belong. Once again, I'm lost in a huge castle with golden hallways.

"How do I keep getting into these situations?" I ask myself

I turn the corner and find myself in some sort of library filled with books upon books upon books like from a movie I had seen before. I began to explore each shelf, searching for a map, or even a hint to where I could find that dungeon. I feel myself get lost in the immaculate collection of literature I had never even heard of before. As much as I want to stay and divulge myself into all the books, Alexander needed my help, so I carried on. I looked through each section of the library, from books about magic witches blackmailing a king to poems about forbidden love but not the one giving me the answers I needed. Just as I'm about to begin wandering through the cast again I see a huge black book covered in dust. I slide it out of the bookshelf and blow the dust off the top in an attempt to see the cover. Unfortunately, the book's title had worn off over time. I open it and to my surprise, the first page says "Kingdom Origamish: History and legacy."

"This seems promising enough," I think to myself.

I turn to the last page and see what seems to be a map of the castle, dungeon, and all.

"Yes!" I yell excitedly.

Luckily no one was around to hear me. I climbed down the ladder I was using to reach the books and began examining the map. Naturally, the dungeon was under the castle and was quite enormous.

"But how to get down there?" I think to myself.

As I continue to examine the map I notice an underground tunnel that I can get to through the kitchen and hopefully this will be a less noticeable way for me to sneak to the dungeon. I exit the library holding the old book tightly in my arms. This time, I walk through the halls a bit quicker, giving people only a few seconds to recognize my presence. I didn't even have to look for the kitchen because I remembered it was connected to the dining hall I had been in previously. I enter the kitchen and the abundance of chefs and servers all stop and turn to look at me. The panic began to set in.

"I'm just inspecting the kitchen, no need to stare," I respond confidently

"So sorry ma'am, continue," The head chef replies.

I nod my head and head for the back room of the kitchen where no one is. I duck under a counter and exhale all of the anxiety out of my lungs. I hated to be so rude but it was what had to happen for me to get Alexander back.

"Now to find that tunnel," I think to myself

I opened up the old book that was still tightly held in my arms. I look for where the tunnel entrance is but it stops in one of the fridges. I close the book and look around until my eye catches a huge fridge in the corner of the room. I take a deep breath, cross my fingers, and close my eyes as I go to open the door. Nothing. Just an empty fridge that isn't even working. I thoroughly search the fridge for some sort of opening but there's no entryway. I aggressively close the fridge door and I hear something fall. I open the fridge back up and see a key lying at the bottom. All of a sudden, a keyhole appears in the back of the fridge and I see light shine through. I put the key in the lock and turn it, opening an entryway to the tunnel. In astonishment, I began to jump up and down with joy as I began to run down the tunnel.


The birds sang loudly and irritatingly as Jameson and I once again traced our steps back to BootStrap pier to recruit as many men and women as we can.

"I can't believe out of all the places I could travel I keep finding myself at a fish gut covered pier while pirates reeking of beer fought over who had the greatest catch," I thought to myself.

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