Chapter 21- The Price of War

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I fear what I'm about to see as I reach the battle in the distance. We reach the edge of the forest that reveals the open landscape separated by a great river. Alexander throws me a sword that he had stolen and tucked into the side of the saddle. We look at each other, accepting what may occur in the next few moments. Then, we charge. Alexander yells as we are swarmed by Torryn's cavalry. A large man thrusts his sword towards me and I move back blocking his hit. Out of fear, my horse knocks me off and it runs swiftly back into the woods.

"Thanks a lot," I say sarcastically.

While I'm distracted by my runaway horse I'm hit over the head and I stumble to the ground. I grab their legs and pull them to the ground giving me a moment to get away.

"AMELIA!" I yell running through the battle.

"GAYLE!" No answer.

Unfortunately, the person I had dragged down had caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. We struggle between punching each other and trying to break free. He cuffs his meaty hands around my throat to the point where I can't breathe. I began to feel dizzy and start losing hope. Suddenly, the man is knocked off by none other than Alexander.

"Are you okay?" He asks while helping me up.

I nod not fully present, scanning the area for Gayle and Amelia. Then I see Jameson and Torryn fighting weapon to weapon fiercely by the water. Anger fills me and everything goes silent again. The only thing there is the ringing. I ignore the issue and sprint through the crowd pushing anyone out of my way. The name fills my head. Torryn. I charge towards him as fast as my legs will allow but before I can reach him Alexander pulls me back.

"What are you doing!" I yell at him angrily

He gives me a moment to calm down before he answers.

"This is their fight to have. Not yours."

He lets go of me and before I can respond someone slashes his arm with a dagger. They attempt to do it again but he grabs the dagger with his other hand and throws it to the ground. I forget to breathe until I'm aggressively hit in the back as Alexander fights the other man. I glance up and see him. Torryn on the ground, his brother standing over him. His body remains motionless on the ground covering a pool of blood. I catch myself staring as Alexander blocks someone from hitting me. Suddenly, it's as if everyone had noticed that Torryn was dead. Thousands of people staring at one lifeless man. Then, a loud "BOOM" shakes the earth. We had to go, our time here was done. I realize this and look at Alexander as tears fill my eyes. My vision becomes blurry as a tear wipes down my face. He puts his hand on my cheek, wiping a tear.

"I know," He says

He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the book I had found in the castle library. I open the book and there is a letter inside that's labeled "Don't open until we separate" I look at him confused. He grabs my hand and gives it a kiss. One of the most prince-like things I had ever seen him do.

"Your sister is right there waiting for you." He says pointing to Amelia in the distance.

I stare at him for a bit longer before finally letting go. I begin to run towards Amelia trying to hold back tears. She points to Gayle who is on the ground. We begin to sprint together. Gayle is sitting next to the box but he doesn't open it. He is paralyzed with grief. I open the box as Amelia urges Gayle to stand. We are all standing around it staring at the damage around us. I make myself focus back on the box.

"This is it," I whisper

I grab their hands and just as we are about to jump in, someone emerges through the fog in the distance. I can't make out the figure between the fog and tears that still occupy my eyes.

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