Chapter 3- Across the Timeline

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"Please be a dream, please be a dream," I mutter to myself as I search the neverending castle for answers or at least a sign of hope.

Just when I'm about to give up I spot the prince stomping in anger towards what seems to be his bedroom. I take a deep breath and walk sneakily towards his door in hopes of finding a way to speak to him without getting in the middle of his tantrum. I place my head up against the wall outside his bedroom so I can better hear what he is saying.

"I can't do this anymore Alfred! I'm so tired of pretending to be okay for the sake of tradition," The prince yells.

"I know sir, but it is your duty as the prince to remain calm and stable minded for the sake of your kingdom especially in this time of war." I'm assuming Alfred is some sort of butler who is in charge of the prince and his "problems".

I can't help but feel bad for the prince though, I'm sure having to act as if you're okay can be a very mentally challenging job. I decide to muster up the courage to knock on the door and act as if I am a maid trying to retrieve dirty clothes or something. I knocked twice.

"Housekeeping!" I called out.

I heard shuffling and then who I assumed to be Alfred, peek his head through the crack in the door.

"This isn't a good time," he whispered.

"I'll only be a minute," I replied.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door all the way, let me in. I tried to keep my head down and pick up the laundry as slowly as possible in hopes they would continue their conversation.

"I haven't seen you before," The prince says suspiciously.

I felt my heart sink to the floor and my knees buckle. I turned slowly as if giving myself a few more seconds to create a story.

"Ugh, I'm new," I stutter.

"Where are you from?" he asks.

I have no idea where I am or even when I am, how am I supposed to know where I'm from?! I look around the room for inspiration and see a fern plant sitting on top of a dresser.

"I'm from Fernsville, France," Immediately after saying that I wanted to facepalm but resisted the urge because there was no turning back now.

"Fernsville, France?"

" I've never heard of that. Is it popular?" He asks.
"No, it's extremely small and insignificant so much so that it isn't even on any maps," I reply.

He pauses for a second and stares at me curiously as if he knows I'm lying and that I'm not from here at all.

"Very well, will you be coming to tomorrow night's ball?" He asked.

A ball! This was the perfect place to blend in and easily look around for a way to get back home.

"Yes I'm on schedule to be working all night your highness," I reply almost sarcastically.

The prince nods and Alfred gestures his hand towards the door in a way that lets me know it time to leave. I grab the laundry and quickly walk out, shutting the door behind me.


After what felt like days but was only a few hours (at least I think it was) the sun started to barely peak out over the hillside. Then out of nowhere, two guards walked in banging on a rusted pan with a large wooden spoon, all of the women jumped up quickly wiping off their long torn dresses before exiting the tent briskly. I followed behind not missing a step as I quickly grabbed a basket of filthy clothing and followed a few of the other women to a long and narrow river. The water was a beautiful sparkling, clear blue making it look like glass, it wasn't like the nasty murky water that reeks of rotting fish that I expected. I grabbed a washboard and started to try and figure out how in the world I was supposed to clean the clothes with a board and water. I got a few glares from the other women but I just kept my head down and scrubbed the clothes splashing water in every direction. This continued for hours as I squatted next to the river washing clothing and ringing them out. As the day went on it got hotter as the sun beamed down on us and reflected off the water burning my face. By the end, I was burned and drenched while the other women were bone dry. After a long and hard day of washing clothing and cleaning pee pots, I stood once more in the line with the other women as the captain and his men stared us down. The sun was already gone so we all stood in the bitter night waiting for what was to happen next.

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