Chapter 20- The Battle of the River

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Alexander and I walk as fast as we can, all the while trying not to seem suspicious. I feel a bit overwhelmed as I stumble through the halls of the castles. Not knowing exactly where to find my siblings worries me. Ever since our brother left I constantly worry about my siblings. Where they are, who they're with. It's a constant anxious thought in the back of my head and I feel so out of control. Eventually, we reach one of the exits to the castle and I finally feel like I can breathe. Alexander runs and grabs two unattended horses and we mount them quickly.

"Do you know which river they are talking about?" I ask Alexander urgently.

"I'm not positive but I'm quite confident I have an idea," he responds.

I'm almost angry he doesn't know where to go but I compose myself in an attempt not to overreact. I close my eyes and try to steady my breathing as my therapist had once recommended. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to prepare yourself for the devastation of battle. I feel the wind on my face and the tree's whistling as I find this as my only comfort for the moment.

Suddenly, I see a small river in the distance but no one there.

"This is the only river I've seen in this kingdom," Alexander says confused.

"We passed by this river just last week!" I yell.

"It must have been while I was unconscious just before that woman healed me," Alexander responds.

I look at the ground trying to think as quickly as possible.

"That's it!" I yell as I mount my horse. The Women that had helped me with Alexander were very close and she seemed to know this kingdom very well. Hopefully, she would be able to help us find our way to this river.


"Amelia, stay safe!" Jameson yells as he lets go of my hand.

I slid my sword quickly from its sheath as Jameson and I stood back to back. Soldiers from Torryn's army closed in on us. They spring at me quickly as I glide left to right trying to avoid their sharpened blades. My sword clashes against theirs as I push my weight forward trying to knock them back. I'm able to get the first few down but as the minutes passed my arms grew heavy, I wasn't used to fighting with a sword and especially against huge bulky men who had the intention of killing me.

"How about you pick on someone your own size!" I yell, bringing the sword down quickly.

After I finally can bring a few more men down, Jameson and I go to head to the other side of the river but then we get stopped but the person that we were dreading the most.

"Funny seeing you here brother and I see Amelia got to you too," Torryn grins as he slowly walks over to us with his sword in hand and two very large men standing on either side of him.

"Why...Why now?" Jameson asks.

"Because I'm sick and tired of being the poor street rat, look what I've become, I'm powerful. I led a whole army of people wanting the same thing I do. I finally have more than you do," Torryn explained.

"You didn't have to do this."

"Too late now isn't it?"

"It's not!" Jameson yells.

"Enough talking, you two get her, but keep her alive, I'll take care of my brother." Torryn snapped.

"No problem captain," one of the large men bellowed as they both slowly approached me.

"I mean we don't have to do this, we can talk it out. I mean it is a little unfair being two against one and all," I say backing up slowly keeping my sword pointed out.

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