Chapter 14- A Second Reunion, Now With Guests

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After a good while of us all trying to decipher what we had just been through in the past few days, we finally decided to move on. I looked over at Amelia and her new inamorato and rolled my eyes in annoyance. I didn't like the fact Amelia would trust this guy right after Torryn screwed her over like that. Although I wasn't very fond of James' demeanor he seemed to have better intentions than Torryn so I decided to let it slide, but before I could let it go Gayle quickly reminded me I had brought along someone as well. Gayle was particularly grumpy at the moment so I decided to brush his rude comment off and continue. As we aimlessly walked through Rochinson's point, we began to speak about what the next right move might be.

"Torryn has to have the box," Gayle says in a worried tone

Amelia looks at the floor with guilt on her face, knowing she let Torryn get too close too quickly. Trying to ease the tension I suggest we come up with a plan to retrieve the box while also helping out the kingdom.

"What if we create our own army?" Alexander states

After Alexander speaks everyone looks over at him as if they were surprised he could speak. Even I found myself a bit shocked that he chimed in.

"That could work! With a few extra helping hands, we could retrieve the box and help your father's kingdom," I reply confidently.

We continued to ride on, clueless of what we should do next, (as far as executing this new idea), and just when all hope was gone, there it was a tavern. We looked at each other as if we all knew what we were about to do. We walk straight in, all heading straight to the counter. It's as if you could smell the desperation radiating off our discouraged group. We begin by ordering two beers each and chugging them down as quickly as possible. I begin to laugh as I look over to Alexander who has beer foam all over his face as if he had just poured it onto himself.

"What?!" He asks, taking a break from chugging.

"Oh nothing," I reply trying to hold back my laugh

After we all finished our first round of beers we all began to feel the effects of the alcohol. After ordering another round, I can barely walk and my speech is just as good as a two-year-old. Right before I'm about to get up and dance on top of the wooden tables in the tavern. I hear Alexander sloppily mumble,

"Follow me."

I stumble out of the tavern grabbing on to anything to help stabilize myself as I follow him outside. He stops and we look at each other unable to control our drunken sense of humor as we laugh for no reason.

"I forgot my beer!" He yells laughing at himself as he walks back into the tavern to retrieve it.

As Alexander leaves, I begin to hear horses galloping fast. It's as if the ground began to shake as the horses approached. They seem to be becoming too close for comfort but I didn't feel scared due to the "liquid courage" I had just consumed more than the recommended amount of. All of a sudden, a familiar shadow began to become clearer and clearer until he was right in front of me.

"Torryn?" I said squinting my eyes through the dark of night in an attempt to make out this familiar figure.

Suddenly darkness engulfs me as I feel my eyelids become heavier and heavier. Just before I blackout, I hear Alexander yell.

"Elizabeth!" as he runs toward me...


We spent about a while explaining our situations and how difficult our little adventures went. With Elizabeth being the mom of the group she seemed to be a little annoyed that I brought another guy along right after being tricked by Torryn. When we finally finished talking about how unsuccessful we started riding in no specific direction. We weren't that far away from civilization but being with three other strangers it became a little awkward.

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