Episode 6

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Arav was going to his school and made sure he didn't concentrate in the bullying part. As his mom already told him that these things happen even to her. He loved his mom and so does she. He made sure that he came first in class as this would make his mom proud. He really didn't know what marks and ranks are but knew one thing that it would make her smile. That happiness in his mom is enough for him to study.

It was Father's day and like every year Khushi knew what was in his mind. she didn't want to go with him as his father as this would be prone to more speculations. Though it was Sunday, Khushi didn't come with him. Vut she made sure that he goes. Arav pleaded her not to go as this would raise many questions.

Khushi: NO Arav!! Today you will be getting an award for topping the class.

Arav: But what's the use?? I don't have my father with me!!

Khushi : So what?? You are going there just to receive award.

Arav: Then you come with me!

Khushi: Arav beta you know why right?

Arav: This is wrong! you are trying to escape and you are trapping me!

Arav goes to his school..

Garima: You have got to tell him Khushi! You have to tell him everything...! He is growing now. Tell him before he gets misguided.

Khushi: How can I say mom!!!

Soon everyone assembles the hall,

Arnav was their chief guest. Everyone came with their fathers. Mayuri made sure that she comes just to give company to Arav. They were sitting at the last bench. Mayuri had tears as her father expired last year.

The teacher gave the welcome speech and asked Arnav to speak up. Arnav gave his speech just in a minute. He sat back to his seat. He wasn't comfortable with children. Another teacher got up from the stage and talked for a while. 

Arav: Why did he complete his speech abruptly? He could have talked more...

Mayuri: Just leave it.

Soon there was a present near them and there was a billow in the screen as they were sitting in the last bench so there was a chance for the person to slip the gift. Arav exclaimed. But she hushed him.

Arav: Wow! Who is this? Who gave me this gift?

He opens the gift and there was a greeting card with the most expensive London chocolates like:

                                    "To my lovely child born 8 years back on the 15th of January.


Seeing the word Arav frowned. He tossed his gift sideways.

Mayuri was about to go out to see who the person was and but Arav caught her hands.

Arav: Stop! Where are you going?

Mayuri: I want to see who gifted this.

Arav: Can't you see, It's my dad!

Mayuri: That's why I'm saying if you'll leave me, I'll catch him.

Arav(in a serious tone): No need! if he wished he would have given it to me in person. For me no father exist. It's my mom always! You eat these chocolates! Even your birthday falls in the same date and your father...(he stops)

Mayuri was sad now. She then begins to eat the chocolates thinking her father sent it from heaven.

Teacher: And now....it's time to give the award for the best outgoing student.... We now welcome Arav to the stage for his academic excellence throughout the year. Arav please come to the stage. I request Mr. ASR to give him the award.

As soon as Arav goes to the stage Arnav felt hazy. He didn't know why. Then Arnav smiled at him. He gives the award and kept an arm around him for the photo. Arav didn't know why but it felt protective. Arnav too was hazy. He felt like this kid had something for him. Then for few other students, he too gave awards for their excellence in sports and other areas, also for other class students. But for them, their fathers came along with them. He wondered why for this guy his father didn't come. Then the function got over and Arnav went to the principal office. They were discussing something.

As Arav and Mayuri were discussing, Arav looks sad. Someone was watching them from behind.

Mayuri: Why are you still sad? The day got over..

Arav: No it's about my mom's age....

Mayuri knew where he was coming.

Arav: Why is it that everyone's mom is older than my mom??

Mayuri remained silent. She knew that many of their friends were bullying about Khushi's age as well.

Arav: I knew that my mom is hiding something from me about my father. But I think that there is another thing that comes in my mind now . Tell me Mayuri at what age was your mother when you were born.

Mayuri : Arav you shouldn't think about all these at this age. I think we are small for this.

Arav(angrily): Stop this Mayuri! Just answer my question or say if you are not interested. But don't try to control me!

Mayuri has tears in her eyes and she goes. Arav didn't know why he behaved this way. Behind them, Arnav was watching this shocked. But he still didn't know that Khushi is his mom as Arav hadn't mentioned her name. 

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