Episode 29

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Soon Anjali was arranging things for Arnav to sleep. Shyam tried to talk to Anjali but she shook him off. Her anger was justifiable. Shyam stopped her.

Anjali(gritting her teeth in tears): What!!!

Shyam: RS look...

Anjali was about to leave when Shyam stopped her again.

Shyam: Please....just listen to me once. I had a separate place for Maniniji but I never loved anyone like you. I know you need time... But then I just want to say I love you and I will wait until you return back.

Anjali didn't say anything to him but went away silently.

Next day Arnav asked Khushi to come to the hospital with Arav. Khushi was wondering why. Arnav asked her to come fearing what may happen next. He asked Arav to take leave from school and told her to take leave from the office.

Khushi came to the hospital and was surprised to see Shyam with him. Arnav hugs Arav and cries. Khushi didn't know what happened. He kissed him. Arav kisses him back.

Arnav: Do you like me Arav?

Arav: No I don't.

Arnav's face dulls.

Arav: But I "love" my papa and that's you.

Arnav hugs him. Khushi had tears in her eyes. Arnav introduces Shyam and they both settle down. Shyam signs Arnav.

Arnav: Khushi can you come with me to the park nearby? Alone? I mean... Shyam will take care of Arav.

Khushi: Ok.. But why all this?

Arnav reassures her. Khushi asked Arav to stay with Shyam.

As Arnav goes to the park. Khushi puts an arm in his hand and leans on his shoulders. Arnav cries due to guilt. Soon they settle in a bench.

Khushi: Tell me Arnavji why is all this?

Arnav was about to say something where Khushi then jolted.

Khushi: Arjun! Arnavji...look that's Arjun!

She sees him far off approaching having wounds. ASR had dealt him well before. Khushi went towards him and slapped him hardly. Khushi was about to beat him hard when Arnav stopped her.

Khushi(in tears...angrily): How dare you do such a thing!!! My years....! My precious years! Why are you here!!

Arnav: Relax Khushi! I called him..

Khushi turns back to him shocked.

Khushi (piercing):What???..............Why??

Arnav(to Arjun): Tell her all!

Arjun was silent and scared.

Arnav(bellowing angrily): Tell her dammit!!!!

Arjun hastens and tells her.

Arjun (grovelling): Khushi....Khushi....I'm sorry! I am really sorry! I will never do this to any woman hereafter. I had spiked you to get a taste of you.....I mean...(ASR glared at him).........I mean..... I wanted to sleep with you...so I took you upstairs in room no 101 but suddenly my dad called me and I got scared. He asked me where I was and I got panicked. He soon called me as there was an urgent meeting. So I  went from there leaving you as you were already asleep due to the drink and I didn't want people from the hotel to have any doubts. So I went out soon leaving you there itself. But trust me! I least knew what happened next. Sorry Khushi...I am really sorry.

Arjun cried. Arnav held him by collar and pushed him. Khushi cries. 

Arnav hugs her.

Khushi: Then who was it Arnavji?? Who was the one who did....did ....it to me?

Arnav breaks the hug and asks her to sit.

Arnav: Khushi the thing that I am going to say now may be a turn in our life. It may even break our marriage....

Khushi was like a statue. What was Arnav gonna say?

Khushi: Then I don't want you to say Arnavji! I don't want to hear anything if it's negative.

Arnav: Khushi, it involves me and you. So I've got to say it. As being your partner, I must say everything to you. We must not have any secrets.

Khushi: okay tell me Arnavji.

Arnav: Khushi...I... I was the one who raped you.

Arnav says all that happened. How Sheetal tricked him and how everything happened. Khushi was like a statue. Words didn't come out of her mouth.

Arnav: Trust me Khushi!! I was not in the state of my mind. Now that I've told you everything. the decision is yours! I called you so that I want to take DNA test with Arav just for the proof. That's why I called you here in the hospital

Khushi didn't know how to react. The person whom she thought was her worst enemy was the one who is going to marry her. She slowly goes away thinking deeply.Tears were rolling but not that much as it had reached it's peak. Shocked was a small word for her reaction.  

What will Khushi's reaction be?? 

Stay tuned for the finale!

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