Episode 10

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Arnav was inches near her. He had his heartbeat pounding. He stared at her lips. He felt like pulling her for a lip kiss. Oh! god!! he is advancing things. Why does this girl turn him on??

Then he goes silently Khushi was standing there breathing heavily. He couldn't control himself. He turned and came near her. She saw this and went back , he came near and she went back. This continued until she hit the wall. Luckily no one was watching. Arnav was inches apart. He caressed her cheek. She gasped. Why is she letting him do so in the first place?? She felt it good though. Something in him made her hazy. It's not only the distraction. It was difference.

Arnav: Khushi....

Khushi: Hmmm....

Arnav closed his eyes. They both didn't know why they were doing this. Something made them to do this. Arnav gave a look at Khushi's face. As he had never got a closer look at her before. Khushi didn't know why is she allowing her boss to ogle at her. She mustn't allow any man to touch her.

Arnav (without blinking): It's Thank you! not sorry. I saved you....You must be perfect with words Khushi!

Khushi: Oh sorry...

Arnav raised his eyebrows..

Khushi: Oops... I mean... Thank you.

Before going, he turned for one last time and asked,

Arnav: Khushi...!Do I know you before?

Khushi stood there and gestures a no.

They both get to their respective works.

One day,

Mayuri was crying,

Arav: What happened Mayuri, why are you crying?

Mayuri didn't say anything. But Arav persisted her. After a pause.

Mayuri(crying): My so - called - mom beat me today. She doesn't treat me like how Khushi aunty treats you.

Arav consoles her. Atleast Khushi doesn't treat him like that. But still he was upset about his thought. The person who was watching them behind cried. Arav gets a flash of the greeting card he got on father's day and was wondering who it might be?

A week later,

Arnav had asked Shyam to enquire about Khushi but he couldn't find anything. He said that once he comes back,he may know things. Also Arnav had strictly asked Shyam to investigate matters himself. Shyam had thought to distributing Khushi's investigation to another lawyer. But Arnav remained persistent.

Arnav on phone,

Arnav(Gritting his teeth): What do you mean by I don't know Shyam...?

Shyam: ASR I know your temper. Just calm down. I can't help this. I have to come there and then only investigate about this. Gosh!! now I've got two cases. How can you ask me to investigate in this when I am here?? I'll come there and investigate it.

Arnav: One month!! My patience is tested here....I can't wait for so many days.

Shyam(surprised): You are able to wait for 7 years for your case. Why not for a sum of 20 days??

Arnav himself was wondering this now.

Shyam(wondering): Didn't you feel like your case wasn't that important or this one made you the first priority .

Arnav wanted to answer "both were true".

Shyam: Say... Why are you keen in this girl's profile??

Arnav: Well, you see... as a part of background verification, I've got to investigate on this matter.

Shyam(wondering): Then why are you doing this work?? Ask a subordinate... Or ask your HR... have you forgotten???... you are the boss...

He badly wanted to know about Khushi's case as soon as possible. Then he thought to ask about it to her in person.

The next day as soon as he goes to office, he checks whether she was in her desk. Yes she was!!! He felt nervous.. How is he going ask her about Arav's father? He rubbed his hands and puffed. Arnav felt like proposing a girl. He didn't know why he was getting this feeling. He felt tougher than any of his most challenging clients. At times he felt like if he comes to know who he is, he might want to murder him. Khushi had already won a soft corner in his heart. But he is still unsure about his feelings.

Arnav sits in his cabin and asks his guard to call Khushi. Khushi comes to his room. He gestured her to sit. He maintained a tough face on him. But inside he knew how nervous he was. Khushi sits wondering.

Arnav: Look Miss.Khushi... I... I mean ... we need some personal details about you.

Khushi was wondering what it was. She at once chuckled as if he was all the way being professional. He had already asked her personal details and he is saying as if it's something new he is gonna ask.

She nodded.

Arnav: Miss. Khushi we need details about your son's father.. you know what I mean..??

Khushi: But why should I?

Arnav: No questions back!! Answer me... Is your son adopted?

Khushi was silent. She didn't give any answers.

Arnav(angrily): Answer me dammit!

Khushi jerked. Arnav was exhausted. He couldn't wait more to know who that clod was. All those if's and buts tested his patience.

Khushi(seriously): I don't need to give you these explanations.

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