Episode 14

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Arnav goes to Khushi's room. He ogles at her like anything. It's the first time he saw her in saree with moist hair. Beautiful would be a short word. She was breathtaking. But Khushi was sad. Arnav wasn't happy for this. Was she not interested in the thought of marrying him? What made her sad?

Arnav: Khushi why are you sad??

Little did Arnav know that Khushi was sad because Arnav hadn't mentioned that he was married. She thought him to be single. Garima's words rings her as she says that Arnav was a widower. 

Arnav(tensed): Are you not interested by this thought of marrying me?

Khushi jerked and immediately shook. Arnav relaxed.

Khushi: No... Actually I thought you to be unmarried.............

Arnav(huskily): And....

Khushi had her hands shaking. He smiled seeing his effect on her.

Khushi(nervously): So I am shocked. That's it....

Arnav(Raising his eyebrow): That's it???? I expected more Khushi kumari Gupta.....

Meanwhile Nani on the other end looked tensed. She hadn't told Arnav about Arav. She thought that Arnav would probably cancel this before. So she didn't tell him about it.

Nani: Accha Garimaji where is your Grandson Arav?

Garima: He has gone out to play. Wait I'll call him..

Nani: No... It's not needed. I just asked about him...

Garima: Arre... No he'll be very happy to meet you all...

Soon Arav comes home and Nani greets him. Anjali hugs him. 

Shyam and Anjali didn't have any children for so many years. So she has an attachment to kids. Arav was also very comfortable with her. Nani thought that for some time, it was good that he doesn't meet Arnav.

On the other end....

Khushi and Arnav were yet to come back from their own world of trance. They couldn't believe that they were going to marry each other.

Soon after the trance was broken,

Arnav: Khushi I want to tell you something....about my wife.. Before deciding whether or not you are going to marry me.

Khushi: Yes Arnavji..

Arnav smiled. That "Arnavji" made his day as always. He continues.............


Manini and Arnav got married because of Nani. Arnav never had shown any interest in her. Whenever Manini expected him. He never retorted her back. They never committed their relationship. Soon after some days, she goes to her mother's place.

One day, Manini vent her spleen on Arnav and asked her why he married her if he didn't love her. Arnav told that it was only for Nani.

Manini: So, if Nani dies tomorrow, will you divorce me?

Arnav remained silent. Manini persisted.

Then after a pause. At one point of time when she keeps repeating the question.

Arnav: Yes dammit!!! I'll divorce you!!

He leaves the place. Behind was Manini crying.

A few days later,

Arnav opens the room and finds his wife hanging. Nani was hospitalized. She couldn't bear the shock. Arnav was feeling guilty about this. He could never forget this guilt for days together... Still he has got this guilt for killing a poor soul. What mistake did she do? What if he never married her on that day? That guilt remained in him till now. But one thing that makes him wonder till date is that Manini knew he doesn't love her from the date of his marriage. Would she suicide for this cause just because he said that he'll divorce her??? Was there another reason?


Khushi had tears in her eyes. She looked scared as well.

Arnav: I know what you are thinking about Khushi...Don't worry I am not marrying you because of Nani. I came here to reject the girl before itself. Before starting the conversation. Nani was adamant so I had to come here. I was shocked to see you as my girl.... and...

Khushi(raising eyebrow): And.....?

Arnav(smirking): Khushi if you like being me then I can do so much....

He suddenly pulls her and kisses her cheek.Khushi was appalled. 

What will happen next? Naughty ASR on his moves....Stay tuned!

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