Episode 9

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Though he didn't know why the doctor asked him to call back if it comes again. He wished that this dream would never come again.

In the evening,

In Arnav's office,

Arnav was in his cabin when suddenly Sheetal comes in.

Arnav: Sheetal! Why are you here? Any problem?

Sheetal: Nothing ASR... It's just that...uhm... say...

Arnav: Sheetal... just come to the point!

Sheetal: I was just wondering why not.. you know we get married.....

Arnav was surprised.

Arnav: Sheetal! I always told you that I had no interest in you. You are just my friend. I can't marry someone just because I'm alone! Also even before Manini and I got married, Nani had told your father when he came to ask my hands....

Sheetal recollected the incident. That old toad Nani!! How could she say such a thing... She remembers the conversation.


Nani: Sorry Mr. Malhotra... I am searching for a Lucknow based girl with good values. Sheetal is also a very good girl but I ... you know what I mean....


Sheetal fumes thinking. Arnav was engrossed by now in his laptop. Nani wanted a simple girl for Arnav so she had chosen Manini for ASR. But ASR wasn't interested in love or marriage. Just because of Nani's wish he gets married.

Just then Khushi comes in and Sheetal goes out,

Arnav: Yes?

Khushi: Arnavji I want to pick up my son from school today. Can I take an off now? I completed my files here.

Khushi badly wanted to meet her son after yesterday's incident.

Arnav: It's ok Khushi! you needn't ask my permission. You are just leaving 2 hours early from the daily routine.

Khushi was surprised. Why is he like this? It felt like she is talking to a person whom she knew years before.

Then Arnav too gets reminded of something. Even he leaves.

Arnav didn't know why but he felt like talking to Arav.

He goes to his school after 10 mins winding up. To his shock, he saw Khushi.

Khushi was talking to Arav with both her hands on her ears.

Khushi: I am sorry beta... I couldn't come yesterday. May be we shall do something about it.... Tell me my punishment. I am sure that when you make mistake, I'll punish you. Similarly, you've got the right to punish me as well dear. Tell me what should I do??

Arav(with a sad face): You needn't do anything mom. It's just that...

Khushi hugs him having tears in her eyes. She knew what was killing him. She didn't know the real reason why he was sad... He was sad for two reasons one thinking he might be adopted. Second thinking about the gift.

Arnav was watching all this with his eyes ogled. So Arav is Khushi's son!!! How is that Khushi is not married?? He vouched to investigate on this.

Next day,

Khushi was thinking about Arav and gets slipped while she was entering the store room. Arnav by chance comes there and catches her. They have an eye lock. He had chills in spine. He touched her for the first time. This girl was making him crazy. He was holding her hips. He felt something unknown. He didn't know why. He gets hazy.

Khushi gets up tensed.

Khushi: Sorry...

Arnav was inches near her. He had his heartbeat pounding. He stared at her lips. He felt like pulling her for a lip kiss. Oh! god!! he is advancing things. Why does this girl turn him on??

Then he goes silently Khushi was standing there breathing heavily. He couldn't control himself. He turned and came near her. She saw this and went back , he came near and she went back. This continued until she hit the wall. Luckily no one was watching. Arnav was inches apart. He caressed her cheek. She gasped. Why is she letting him do so in the first place?? She felt it good though. Something in him made her hazy. It's not only the distraction. It was different.

Arnav: Khushi....

Khushi: Hmmm....

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