Episode 7

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Mayuri has tears in her eyes and she goes. Arav didn't know why he behaved this way. Behind them, Arnav was watching this shocked. But he still didn't know that Khushi is his mom as Arav hadn't mentioned her name.

Arnav goes to him and removes his cool sunglasses.

Arnav: What happened child? Any problem?

Arav had his eyes ogled. Behind him was his principal. He didn't know what to answer. He got scared. Arnav reassured the principal with his eyes. That someone wasn't Arnav though. He went away after seeing Arnav.

Arav: Noth..Nothing sir.....

Arnav: Call me uncle....

He didn't know why he felt like encouraging this kid for a conversation.

Arnav: Where is your father..?

Arav: Well I don't have one..

Arnav felt a sense of pity for this poor soul. The principal looked surprised. This man had taken so much of efforts to make ASR as the chief guest for this occasion. He was literally on roads to get the offer from him. Here he himself is volunteering to talk with this kid.

Arnav: And your mom?

Arav: in home.

It didnt' look like he was a chief guest talking to one of the students. He got reminded of Khushi at the same. For her as well he did as such and oh God!!! Why does he converse this way?? He thought he had a problem. He wasn't maintaining his professional integrity.

Arnav sensed this poor guy's anger and thought to back off. He knew what it feels like to be angry on something or someone. He was a specialist in that. So he knew how it felt when someone disturbs him when he was angry.

Arav goes home and gives the award to Khushi and she had happy tears. She was about to ask him further he goes in his room sad and closes the door. Khushi was appalled.

Khushi: Arav open the door!!

Arav doesn't open.

Garima: Leave it bitiya. We must give him some space. We know why he is upset right.. Don't interfere.

Khushi was sad. Will it be right if she says all to him ?? But no! he is still a kid. But what if he gets misguided by someone else?? But how can she tell about his father when she...... Thoughts killed her. Arav on the other end was thinking about the gift he received. The date of birth was same as he had thought. How could this happen then? Who was that person. Though he felt like tasting those London chocolates badly. But no! Arav thought whether or not to tell about the gift to Khushi.

Arnav on the other end was wondering about ARav. Why is this guy coming in his mind like Khushi. Why has he started caring for people. This change killed him. He mustn't have his knees weak for people. Just then his phone rings,

Shyam: Good evening ASR...

Arnav: Shyam!! What a surprise!! How are you?

Shyam: I'm fine ASR. How about you?

Shyam was Raizadha's most trusted lawyer. He and his wife Anjali Jha were living in London for a few years.

Arnav: I'm fine mate. What is the news??

Shyam: Nothing great..But I'm coming to India in a month. Also you know, we can investigate about a few unanswered questions.

Arnav: I'm badly waiting for that Shyam!! It's because of you I've put the case on hold.

Shyam: What to do ASR. There were bigger works coming by the way and the department had put me on this project. It's about to get over soon now though by this week especially.

Arnav: Wow that is a great news by the way man!!!

They talked for a while and did cut the phone.

Just then, the door bell rings,

Nani opens the door and the person gets inside to Arnav's room.

Arnav: Sheetal!

She gives him a welcome hug.

Arnav: Guess what!! Shyam is coming soon. And we plan to investigate on the case together. I am damn sure that this time Shyam will crack it soon.

Sheetal gets tensed.

Sheetal: That's nice. But we were going with it right??

Arnav: But did we have any progress in this 7years? Shyam was about to begin this case. But then he got the project and wentabroad. If not we would have solved it prior. I really don't have the power to investigate it deeply as it needs a lawyer's permission also Ican't trust anybody else onto it as well. So all these years I waited for him.


Arnav finds himself having violent sex with someone. The girl looked hazy. 

Girl: Ahhh....OOOO. Aaaooon.. ASR Don't stop! Keep going! I want more!

Arnav was moaning an unclear name. 

Girl(in her orgasmic voice): Aah...oooo....ouch.....

He suddenly woke up panting, his whole body sweating heavily. What was that dream? It sounded so real. He was seeing stuffs from his own eyes. It was like a part of his other life. 

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