Episode 18

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Arnav was silent. He was already shocked with the discovery in his room and now he is more shocked. What was the file in his room?? What did it say? Arnav had his face down.

Anjali (holding his chin to make his face look at her): Tell me!! Was Shyamji married before?

Arnav: Or maybe he wasn't!! he had an illegal affair!

Arnav raises his eyebrow.

Anjali(trying to understand with her eyes pierced to him): What do you mean??

Arnav: Nothing! It's just my wild guess!

Anjali: What is it? Tell me Arnav!

Arnav: I said Nothing Anjali. Unless we are very sure about this, we can't comment.

Anjali: How!! But what?? Why do you need more proof? Isn't this enough??? Why would Shyam hide this file? If....(she sobs more)...if he wasn't having any affair how is this possible?

Arnav: Just listen to me....! When.......

Anjali(curtailing him): Look Arnav! We have got the best proof....I seriously don't know what to do after this. I am not sure if I'll be able to continue my relation with Shyam after this or not. But...

Arnav(coming back and curtailing her): Please don't tell this Anjali...

Anjali: What??? Why?

Arnav: Look! just trust me on this!! why did you call me first on this?...because you trusted me na? Please Anjali just be normal or try to be. But I just want time.. I fell like this not only involves Shyam but also many people we may know. But I'm quite hazy about this. First, we must go to this hospital and get the copy for it as you can see, it's 8 years back, we may want to see it. The reason why I'm telling you to calm is that I don't want Shyam to know that we are investigating on this matter. Okay? Just be normal to him!

Anjali nods him half- heartedly.

Arnav(before going): I found out from my friend that Shyam was here a month back itself. When he was talking to me in the phone stating that he was in London. I came to know this while investigating stuffs.

Anjali: Yes, he came to Delhi a month before I came stating to arrange the house and also to complete an unfinished work. But he flew back the last date to pick up stuffs with me and again he came here.

Arnav: I'm sure that this is connected with this child.

Then Arnav goes to his office and looks for his lady love. He sees her and grins at her. Some of the other employees looked at him wondering. Why is he like this? They were shocked to know how a suave and an angry man could grin like this. Perhaps the older employees haven't seen him grinning ever before in the past years. But Arnav's grin soon faded away as he thinks of the events in the morning. Then he gets a call and hated it. It was from Shyam. He cuts it. He was really angry at Shyam. He was angry for hiding things from him. God knows why he was doing such a thing. He couldn't believe that his best friend did this to him. He never had told him about this. One more thing that makes him wonder is what if this was untrue? Is this thing believable? What if those papers were one from his clients that he was investigating about? But if that was the case, why would he hide it as Anjali told him. Thoughts made him crazy. Soon his heartbeat raised and there was a knock from the door. He smiled and blurted out "this girl dammit! she makes me grow crazy... hooff!! control yourself, there is something in her that drives me crazy. I don't know what I'll do when you get married to her!". Arnav wasn't sure what made him trigger. This girl was making him crazy, both mentally and physically. Arnav never falls for anyone so easily. Khushi came there and smiles at him. He was staring at her. She was having a card with her. Arnav cued her a what.

Khushi: Arnavji.... well... this is Arav's birthday card. Please come next week....

Soon Arnav was angry.

Khushi wondered why. She then was going to ask him something and suddenly he got up and pulled her to him. She dashed in his chest and she was shocked. They were so close to each other.

Arnav(gritting his teeth): Am I a guest to you Khushi?

Khushi(having tears): I....I...

Arnav: You haven't told me about Arav's birthday. Don't I look like his upcoming father?? Or have you got other plans Khushi???

She couldn't believe Arnav would be this bad when he got angry. She had heard from her collegues that he was a very arrogant man. But she had never seen him like that to her. She saw one of the worst looks of ASR. Her eyes became obscure due to the tears. Arnav couldn't see her crying but ignored it when he put forth his concern.

Arnav(continuing): Khushi, I'm gonna marry you in few days. You haven't told me about Arav's birthday. Actually it must be us to organise the function. Not just you!!

Khushi(weeping): I'm.......I'm...... sorry Arnavji.....I......

Arnav(still angry): Just tell me one thing Khushi...! Are you really interested in marrying me???Or you are just doing this for your parents sake.

Khushi was appalled. She was more shocked to see Arnav reacting this way to her.

Khushi: Sorry.....

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