Episode 23

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Seeing Khushi's happy face, he changed his mind.

As Anjali was also going,

Mayuri was beaten by her adopted mother. Soon Anjali comes there and stops it. Mayuri hugs her frightened.

Anjali(Angrily): Why are you beating a poor soul?

Mother: Why??? I am beating my child.... What's your concern?

Anjali: Because I know how it feels to not have one!

She points a finger at her and says,

Anjali(Gritting her teeth): If you do this again, I'll hand you over to the police!

She goes from there having a lone tear thinking how she is unable to bear a child.  

Soon Arav was so tired that he dozed off. Khushi and Arnav were sitting outside in Khushi's swing. Arnav put an arm round her. It was late. Garima and Shashi didn't bother to disturb them as they were more happy that the couples agreed for marriage.

Khushi didn't dare to ask why he wasn't leaving by the time. As at the corner of her heart she too wished he remained with her.

Arnav: Khushi you know why I'm still her??

Khushi cued a what.

Arnav(continuing): I came here to give you work.

Khushi pouted. Arnav thought she looked cute. This pout added beauty to her red saree. He leans forward. Khushi's heart raised fast. He opens her tucked layered hair and says,

Arnav: You look good with free hair darling.

Her heartbeat raised syncing with his.

Arnav: Khushi....I love you..

Khushi was jolted and has tears in her eyes. She never expected that someone in her life would say such a thing.

Arnav: The day I saw you for the first time maybe, it felt like as if I saw an angel. That's why you know why I didn't have any professional conversation with you much. Because I knew that you are already mine. I was jolted to know that you are unmarried and you have a son. But one thing is there Khushi, I always feel like I know you before. That makes me love you more! I love you Khushi!

Suddenly Arnav gets some flashes. "I love you" from his voice rang him. It felt like he already told her before. But he ignored it. Khushi was glowing in the moonlight. She looked so beautiful, Arnav couldn't control himself.. He then leans again and....

Arnav: Khushi.... I....

Khushi nods giving him her permission. She was already having tears in her eyes. Arnav pulls her hard and kissed her lips. Her body felt like love lotion has been surrounding her. Arnav kissed her more. It was as if he hadn't eaten for months. He craved for it more. While kissing, he held her bare waist and pressed it. Khushi squealed. Suddenly Arnav got some flashes and backs off. They both gasp. Khushi shied and hid him under his coat. Arnav was sweating by now. He wiped it off to be unnoticed by Khushi. What were those flashes??

Arnav: Ahem..Khushi sorry...

Khushi stopped him.

Khushi: Why?? you needn't be Arnavji we are gonna get married soon. You have all the rights. Well of course excluding some of them though.

Arnav (Raising his eyebrow):Some??? What are those Khushi?

Khushi's cheek went beetroot red and she hugged him due to shyness.

But Arnav was now keen on those flashbacks. It felt hazy for him. He then brushes it off.

Soon he sees his phone as it flashes and saw the new message in it. He was about to close but the date and time reminded him of something. He looked hazy and then gets the worst feeling ever.


This date!!! This date was the date in that birth certificate!!! This was it!! Could it mean???? He gets up swiftly breaking the hug. Khushi was appalled by his gesture.

Khushi: What Arnavji???

Arnav: Nothing! It's late.....!

Khushi asked sorry and said Thank you.

Arnav: No Thank you's and Sorry's between husband and wife! Khushi.

He didn't eye her as the shock had made him not to look at her.

Khushi: Arnavji.... is.....is everything ok?

Arnav nods and rushes out. 

He drove his car fast and was having tears in his eyes.

"Khushi!!" he muttered.

What was happening???? Why was Arnav feeling as so? 

He barged at Shyam's house.

Shyam: Arnav.... What happened? Why are you here at this time?? Has anything happened??

Arnav gets flashes of Shyam saying:

""""Shyam: Give me my child ASR! Give it to me! You have my child ASR. You took her away!!! And now my child as well?? """"

Now he knew what he was saying. Why he wasgetting the dream. He held his collar and pulled him outside. 


Arnav: My worst conscience is telling me that the mother and son out here are Khushi and Arav.

Anjali was shocked by this. Now she knew whyArnav came here at this time. How couldthis happen? 


Arnav: Stop this drama Shyam!!! All your truth came out! Now you are the one who is gonna say about how this happened. I know you must have raped Khushi! This is how it must have happened. 


Brace yourself guys. The mystery of the story will be revealed on 06-11-2020. That is, the next update. 

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