Episode 17

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Arnav: Khushi, let me clear one more point. I just said I won't have children, it doesn't mean that I won't have Sex with you!

With that he winked at her. She was ogled. Her eyes resembled the glass orbs. She was about to go when Arnav comes to her breathing heavily. Her breath synced with him. He came forward and she goes backward. This happened for some more time and He came closer. He was about to lean on her and Khushi pushed him. She was blushing and she runs away due to shyness. Arnav was caressing his back head and continues his work.

The next day,

Arnav was actually investigating in the police station as one of his employees was caught in a big fraud case and they tracked his phone calls and the location of the other person's places as well. Arnav cooperated well in the process as he knew that he was no way connected with it. Soon the police shook hands with him saying his investigation is over.

Arnav: Can I have the list of locations of the caller whom you had tracked? Atleast for the past three months? Just for my records. I'll see to it that you'll be paid a ransom.

The inspector gave the list and he goes home. While going through the list, relaxing with a coffee. He saw something and he spit out the coffee. He was shocked to see the call made by Shyam when he was saying that he was in London and will be coming to India the next month(their first conversation), was from Delhi. How could this be?? Was he in Delhi claiming that he was in London? If that was true, why would he do so? Soon he starts doubting him. Should he confront about this to him?

Khushi is thinking about Arjun. Was he really the father of Arav?? She knew that there was something in that juice that made her fall asleep. She was wondering that Arjun saw her the way any women never wanted a man to see her. At that time she never understood this as she was in her teens. Now that as she recollects, she is able to find like Arjun never saw her in the proper way. She loathed the situation. More than Arjun, she loathed herself for trusting people. But everything was supposed to be right unless and until for the DNA reports. How could they be negative?? Was there someone else involved.?

Sheetal on the other hand had got to know something and is appalled. She was going through a paper swiftly and gave out a cold laughter.

Sheetal: Wow now this will be my trump card! Wait till I get my hands on this!!! Shyam your game is over!!

She thought of calling Shyam and blackmailing. But Shyam was an experienced Vakhil so he knew all loopholes and may escape from it. So she thought of another plan.

Arnav woke up the next day and was searching for his shirt that his wife had kept on top cupboard. He hadn't worn it for years as at least he respected her. Her wife told him that any girl would fall for him if they see him in that shirt. So of course to impress Khushi, ASR decides to wear the shirt the day or tomorrow if laundry is needed. As he was searching for his shirt, he got the a file and as he opens it and reads it. There was also a CD attached. He gets the shock of his life.

Soon out of nowhere he gets a call. It was Anjali. Arnav was wondering why she is calling him.

Arnav: Tell me Anjali, is there any problem?

Anjali (sweating): Well, ASR.....it's it's.....can you please come to my house... it's urgent.....I mean...

Suddenly she starts crying..

Arnav panicks.

Arnav: What happened Anjali? Where is Shyam?

Anjali(crying): Please... please come....

Arnav then rushes to her house and senses something grave. As soon as he reaches there. He finds Anjali with a paper weeping badly. Arnav goes to her and asks her. She shows the paper to him and he is baffled. He sits down with a thud.

What is happening?

Arnav sees an old birth certificate probably made old deliberately. The name of the mother and child were spoilt. But the father's name is written as "Shyam Manohar Jha".

Anjali (sobbing): I was cleaning the shelf and discovered this. I am damn sure that this is Shyam, my husband. It's not any other person's one.

Arnav: But how can this be possible??

Anjali: I'm wondering the same thing Arnav, I cannot conceive and it's really impossible when the Dob of the child is 8 years back.

Listening 8 years back, he gets hazy. But he ignores it as he was deeply thinking of how this

Anjali(continuing): We weren't married at that time as we got married only five years back. I am damn sure that this wasn't me..... was he...was he... married before? Tell me Arnav, you were his best friend.

Arnav was silent. He was already shocked with the discovery in his room and now he is more shocked. What was the file in his room?? What did it say? Arnav had his face down.

Anjali (holding his chin to make his face look at her): Tell me!! Was Shyamji married before?

Arnav: Or maybe he wasn't!! he had an illegal affair!

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