Episode 21

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Arnav jerked out. He was sweating and panting badly. He remembers the doctors words to him.


Doctor: I know about you Arnav and your dream may not seem real at all. But the ones and some events seem to me like it's real. It may say something deep about your unknown self.


How was this all related?? It never seemed relatable. He could never imagine doing such things with Sheetal, he couldn't imagine killing her either. Also why was Shyam saying like something to give back his child or what? He feared this might be true as well. Because now he came to know that Shyam really has or had a child. At first, when he had talked to the doctor, he didn't know that Shyam had a child. But now it's quite convincing though. But Sheetal??? How was this connected?? His worst fears cropped up! Arnav called the Doctor immediately and he replied the same.

Arnav(Yelling due to frustration): Why are you telling me the same thing doctor dammit? Tell me clearly what these dreams mean!! I am getting the same dream again and again and the only difference is that extra events are added.

Doctor: Please focus your dreams more Arnav, I am getting it as such it is really connected. These dreams are trying to say something to you. As you said about the love making part please focus on it more! Something was missed I think. There is some truth missing.

Arnav: What the....! How can I focus that??? Especially with sheetal? She is my best friend. Well I recently don't like her behavior though.  And also how do you say that this is connected?

Doctor: I know about you ASR. You are my best friend. This is called dream interpretation. It is what your thoughts say. It implies that somewhere around these thought are connected without your knowledge.

Arnav: But these thoughts are no way connected to my conscious mind.

Doctor: You are right ASR! Because these are connected to your subconscious mind. And that's why I am repeating, considering the person who you are as we've known each other for years, I very much feel that this is not in your conscious mind but in your subconscious mind. And I can make no sense saying that these are not connected. Because they are coming to you often with an extra revelation. Try focusing more ASR. Dig in deeper.

The next night.

The same dream continued.

Khushi was coming in a benze car with her sunglasses and lowered her panes and gave the boy a few coins and she goes away. Arnav goes near the boy and is shocked to see it as Arav. Soon he finds himself having violent sex with Sheetal.

Sheetal: Ahhh....OOOO. Aaaooon.. ASR Don't stop! Keep going! I want more!

ASR was now moaning a clear name.

Arnav(moaning): Khushi....

Sheetal(in her orgasmic voice): Aah...oooo....ouch.....Yeah.... I'm happy.

Arnav(moaning): Khushi....

Sheetal: I'm very happy asr..Oooo. Mmmm....Aaaoonn....

ASR kissed her breast and gave it a shake.

Sheetal (blabbering in ecstacy): Lost.....Room no 10.......Outside lying.....Aaaon....mmmm go on.....oooo.....

Arnav: Khushi! This is your name!

Suddenly he was licking and sucking her breast. He rolled it vigorously.

Sheetal(in orgasmic tone): The only...ooo....don't I would say...mmmm.. is.....Aaaaannnn....don't stop ASR.

(Arnav who was on the other end in the sleep came to know this as dream. He knew it in his sleep that he had to stop this. But remembering the doctor's words, he dove deeper. What if there was another clue?? He cursed this saying is this the only way to know something??)

Sheetal: Mmmmm....oooo.....I am bad......ooo... I tricked you......Eeeh......mmm

Sheetal(reaching orgasm): Money!!!!!!

Arnav(reaching orgasm): Khushi!!!!

Soon he put his manhood on her mouth and started moaning even more as she sucked. He was at his peak of ecstasy. Suddenly his mood changed and he vents out all frustration and anger to her. He suddenly started thrusting it more in her mouth choking her. Sheetal couldn't breathe. ASR suddenly throttled her neck . She coughed and soon Shyam came

Shyam: Give me my child ASR! Give me it to me! You have my child ASR. You took her away!!! And now my child as well??

Arnav(in real murmering): Come on man!! After this!!! Please show me more!!

He digged in deeper. Not bothering how worse he felt. Soon another revelation came.

Soon he found Khushi laying in bed idle. He calls her name but she doesn't respond.

Arnav(shouting in real self):Khushi!!

She doesn't respond. He feared if she was dead. Filtered moonlight fell on her face. He found himself asking few questions to Khushi.

Anav(In dream): What is your name love?

But she doesn't answer. She laid there inert without a reaction. Soon he saw another flashes that were unclear. 

He woke up with a sudden thud. He was sweating like he just came out of shower, wet. What were these dreams??? It was so unclear. And most of all, it all seemed unrelatable! 


It was Arav's birthday, 

Khushi and Arav are near the cake talking to friends. Shyam and Anjali arrive there. Shyam sees someone and is shocked. He backs off. 

Shyam: Ahem......Ahemm... RS I've got some work. Don't worry I'll be back soon.

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