Episode 20

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To all my readers who requested a maturecontent. This episode is for you. Warning 18+. 

She goes up and Arnav was taking a file from the top cupboard and Khushi suddenly hugged him from behind. Arnav was shocked.

Khushi: Sorry Arnavji! I should have taken your consent for Arav's birthday.

Arnav: Khushi are you still here, haven't you gone home?? Well it's ok! You no need to be. How many times do I.....

He turns back and gulps. She was breathtaking. Khushi was wearing a blue saree. He goes closer. He puts his arm round her waist and she moans. This triggers him. Seeing her itself he gets triggered. Now imagine this moan! God she had him enough!

Khushi at a point blames her for hugging him from behind. He breathes heavily at her. Things get hot. He pulls her even closer leaving no gap between them only an inch between their faces. Khushi could feel every part of his on her. She could feel his manhood on her pelvis . She gulped. Arnav could also sense her's and is controlling himself badly. It's like anytime he may get an erection. This girl!! this girl had him completely!!!

She gets scared. Arnav removed his coat with one hand and the other hand still holding her waist not to break their proximity. He removes his tie and Khushi closed her eyes. Arnav smirks seeing his effect on her. He removes his 2 buttons. Khushi was scared had her eyes closed to the fullest and Arnav sensed this. He thought she might not like this before marriage. He was about to leave her by loosening his grip. When she moans "Arna....v......ji.." still closing her eyes and didn't know that he was releasing her, Arnav closed his eyes and immediately got an erection. He tightens his grip on her more.

Arnav: Why do you just moan like this dammit.

Khushi pop opens her eyes. He had his fiery eyes like he might eat her any time. He starts kissing her cheeks. Then to her neck and puts a love bite. Khushi tried to push him but he pulls her more. He pinched her bare waist by his palm.

She pulls her stomach inside. This loosens her pallu and he was able to see her cleavage.

Arnav (whispers): Khushi dammit! you are so hot! Please cover this.

Khushi was about to cover this as his words received her lately as she too was in her trance very weak closing her eyes. Before she takes her hand. He removes her pallu and gives a good look at her mounds.

Arnav (having his breath heavy): Khushi! I'm so lucky!

He pinched her waist and started kissing her cleavage. He puts his hand inside her blouse trying to feel her nipples. Khushi started to breathe and moan heavily. Arnav gave a short moan but was fiery with red eyes. He wanted more! While he was putting his hands inside her blouse,he got a small flash but ignored it as he didn't wanna miss this moment. He could feel her milky white skin.    

Khushi(closing her eyes with ecstacy): Ar...........nav.........ji......

Her blouse felt like it was about to tear in pieces as he pushed his hand on her nipples. It was like a big bust. He felt her nipples. It was so soft. He caressed it and wanted to see her breasts fully. His cold hands on her warm nipples. Nothing could match their hotness. 

Khushi(with ecstacy in tears closing her eyes): Aaahhh! Arnavji.....  

Arnav felt like it was the best day on earth. He felt like he was hitting a six continuously in every ball.  

Arnav: Khushi.....you.... dammit...mmm!

He wanted to lick her breasts and pulled her lip for a kiss. He pressed her waist harder with the other hand. 

Khushi(moaning): mmmm..

Soon some flashes were in front of his eyes and he stopped his kiss. What were those flashes? Khushi sensed this and asked...

Khushi: Arnavji what happened?

He takes palm from her blouse, his face going an inch farther and releases her. Soon she adjusts her dress properly.

Arnav (a bit serious): Nothing. You go now!

Khushi was taken aback a bit. She placed her hand on his chin.

Arnav(eyeing her): I... I don't wanna do this before marriage. I know you don't like these things before marriage.

Khushi had tears in her eyes and kissed him on his lips suddenly.

Khushi(in tears): you can do anything to me Arnavji.... When an unknown person can do this forcefully. A known person with love can do this. You gave me life Arnavji... Don't ever think like this. I know I am traditional but you gave me the life. Every tradition melts before you Arnavji. That's why I allowed you. Otherwise I would have stopped you before itself. Even after knowing the truth you agreed to marry me. I always owe you for what you did!

Arnav looks at her shocked. She pecks him and goes away. He had a tear in his eyes.

Arnav(thinking): Sorry Khushi I lied! But the flashes stopped me. I don't know what is happening. You know what dammit! I can never really control myself if I see you. The traditional excuse was to cover up the flashes that I am having these days.

He goes to the bathroom to finish his fantasies.

He goes home and sleeps and suddenly he gets the same dream. He saw himself moaning guttery and blabbed. He saw the cheapest how he could be. Suddenly he got another flash seeing a poor child with torn clothes in streets begging . Khushi was coming in a benze car with her sunglasses and lowered her panes and gave the boy a few coins and she goes away. Arnav goes near the boy and is shocked to see it as Arav. Soon he finds himself having violent sex with someone. The girl looked hazy. But to his horror, he gets the girl in a clear view! 

It was Sheetal!

Sheetal: Ahhh....OOOO. Aaaooon.. ASR Don't stop! Keep going! I want more!

ASR was now moaning a clear name.

Arnav(moaning): Khushi....

Sheetal(in her orgasmic voice): Aah...oooo....ouch.....Yeah.... I'm happy.

Arnav(moaning):Mmmm..... Khushi....

Soon he put his manhood on her mouth and started moaning even more as she sucked it. He was at his peak of ecstasy. Suddenly his mood changed and he vents out all frustration and anger to her.

He suddenly started thrusting it more in her mouth choking her. Sheetal couldn't breathe. ASR suddenly throttled her neck .

Sheetal(coughing): What <cough> is this <cough> AS...Leave me..

Arnav: How dare you separate me with Khushi? Because of you I lost her.

Soon Shyam's face came in front of him. Shyam was evil with red eyes.

Shyam: Give me my child ASR! Give it to me! You have my child ASR. You took her away!!! And now my child as well??

Arnav jerked out. He was sweating and panting badly. He remembers the doctors words to him. 

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