Episode 27

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Arnav gets hazy and feared the worst. He couldn't confirm what he was thinking unless he had a proof.

Arnav: Could it mean..?

Shyam: What Arnav?

Arnav's heart beat fast. He asked Shyam for the cctv footage and saw the video again. He was watching it noticing each and every detail. Perhaps someone to be precise. There was coming in a benze car just outside with her sunglasses and lowered her panes and gave a begger boy a few coins and she gets in the hotel. ARnav had seen this scene before!! in his dreams! But it was not Khushi. It was someone else. He remembered the doctor's words. It needn't seem relatable. But these events may be a part of something bigger!

Soon everyone was wondering what would happen next. Soon, Arnav fell with a thud.

Shyam: ASR!!

He went to pick him and so did Sheetal. Shyam pushed her hands.

Shyam: Don't you dare touch my friend with those dirty hands!

Arnav asked Sheetal to leave. Sensing ASR's death glare, she left the place. Anjali by this time came to him and they both helped Arnav. Anjali was glaring Shyam. Soon ASR had tears forming in his eyes. What was happening???

Shyam: What happened Arnav?

Arnav: I saw... I saw... I saw her!

Shyam: What?? Who??? Whom did you see Arnav?

Arnav(looking at him): I saw Khushi,Shyam.

Shyam was perplexed. He had seen the video many times but couldn't see Khushi. Maybe because he never met her.

Soon Shyam saw her and when ASR was talking with the clients. Arjun made her go up and he was kind of dragging her. Making sure that she didn't look like she was being dragged. Soon, after sometime Arjun was coming back descending in five minutes with a phone and we see him going out. After sometime, we see ASR going up. Shyam knew what this meant. He patted Arnav to calm him.

Arnav: It means....it means....

Shyam: You were with Khushi......

Arnav: And.....and.... Arav is my son.

Now he remembers why he got those flashes. Soon those flashes got cleared. He sees himself going in that room.


Arnav opened a random room. Where Khushi is already sleeping serenely due to the heavy dose of the tablet in the drink. Arnav sees this and gets more randy.

Arnav: Ooooo you look so damn beautiful.!

He locks the door and goes inside. He removes his boots and takes off his coat. He goes on top of Khushi and mutters in his drunk state and kisses her all over her face.

He sees her motionless.

Arnav: What is your name love?

Khushi doesn't answer.

Arnav kissed her lips and found her not responding. But when his hard but protective lips hit her, it felt like he was on top of the world. Her lips were so soft and he felt like eating a candy.

Arnav: You look so sexy with your clothes on. What if I take them off?? Do you like to do it my love?

She doesn't respond.

Arnav: I am asking again!! ooohhh I can't control at all!! But I am asking one more time..(with his eyes red).

He wasn't able to control more. Soon, he takes off all her clothes and his clothes. Moonlight from the window fell on their bare bodies.

Arnav: Wow!! You are a masterpiece! Your boobs....oooo.....What is your name sweetheart?

Khushi remained mum due to the effect.

Arnav(pouring emotions): I don't know where to start. Tell me! your breasts or the bottom??

Khushi doesn't respond. Now Arnav was angry. Whatever he was saying she didn't respond.

Arnav(gritting his teeth): Fine!!! Let me decide as always. OOo your boobs!

He touched her boobs without inhibition and licked it. Soon he started sucking it. He pressed her waist. Suddenly,

Khushi(moaning): mmmm..

Arnav immediately got an erection. That moan!! it turned him on completely....

Arnav:OoO that moan! Time for bottom! Sorry sweetheart I had to go in the middle but I'll come back.

He inserted his manhood on her bottom and suddenly blood started oozing out. It felt so good while doing. He inhaled his breath with ecstasy.

Arnav(panting): Ooo....you were a virgin? But now you are not! Sorry for this sweetheart, you didn't stop me!

He then cleaned it with the bedsheet itself. He then inserted again and groaned with pleasure.

Arnav: Mmm.....aaah....ooo...you are the best!

After reaching ecstasy, he again starts kissing her breast.

Arnav(winking at her): I will always come back where I left!

Khushi had tears at her eyes unknowingly. It might be paining for her. Or probably because of the last words he said as it also had another meaning like him coming back to her life.

But ASR was fully on. Her breasts became sour.

Arnav: What is your name?

Khushi was mum.

Arnav(gritting angrily): I am asking one more time!!! what is your name dammit???

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