Episode 11

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Arnav(angrily): Answer me dammit!

Khushi jerked. Arnav was exhausted. He couldn't wait more to know who that clod was. All those if's and buts tested his patience.

Khushi: I don't need to give you these explanations.

Arnav stood up and banged on the table. Khushi looked wide. But Khushi wasn't afraid. After what and all had happened these years to her. She is used to these kind of situations. But somewhere in her heart it irked her that Arnav was doing it.

Arnav: This is a part of background verification process!!! Why aren't you cooperating??

Now Khushi stood up and said.

Khushi: Because.. I will say this to the person responsible for it. Not you!

Arnav gave her a death glare.

He came around the blocking table to her hastily and pushed her towards the wall. He came forward and held her arms tightly. Khushi now had tears in her eyes. She didn't expect this from him. She never saw him this way.

Arnav: Why aren't you answering me... I am your boss...tell me about it or you'll face the consequences... Do you want your job??

Khushi: Why are you behaving like this Arnavji... I mean sir...

Arnav: It's always Arnavji....but I will stop behaving like this once you tell me the details. First answer me whether he is adopted or not!!

Khushi(In tears): No..He is my child.

Arnav's heart skipped a beat. At one point of time he felt like Arav was adopted. But now he is not!! He is Khushi's own child...How is this possible but? She might have been 18 or 17 years old. Was Khushi a victim of teenage pregnancy? Thoughts killed him. But he wanted to know who that idiot was!  He weakened but stiffened his grip more on her. 

Arnav(glaring): Then tell me who the hell is his father??

There was a pause. Khushi produced more tears.

Arnav(shouting): Answer me now!!!!!!! Why aren't you telling me who your son's father is...!

Khushi pushes him and says,


Arnav was shocked. How is this possible??

Khushi bellows falling. She was weeping badly. Arnav didn't know he let a tear fall. He goes and helps her.

Khushi (Crying): How can I tell you when I myself donno about him??

She hugs him suddenly. Arnav was like a statue. He didn't know how to react. Khushi is hugging him. He felt the need to protect her. He too encircled her. The he released her with tears.

Arnav: Tell me how this happened Khushi?? I need to know everything!

Arnav closes his cabin and comes to her. He gestures her to sit. Khushi sits and talks to him.

Arnav: Tell me..

Khushi gives a look at him and continues....


Khushi was a 17 year old girl, happy chirpy and a very sweet girl. One day, one of her friends Arjun had called her to a nearby bar that day for his birthday party. Khushi initially refused. But then he persuaded her that all her friends were coming to his birthday party. With that she went in the bar. There to her surprise no one known to her was there. Suddenly Arjun pops up from nowhere.

Khushi: Where are others.

Arjun: Oh! they are yet to come....!

With that he asks her to drink the juice. Initially she hesitated but then drank it and all she could remember was sleeping in a bed naked. She knew she had lost her virginity that time.

A few months later she came to know that she was pregnant. She didn't' have the heart to kill the child and thought it was best to keep it. She wrote all her exams with the child and that's how everything happened.


Arnav now had his eyes red.

Arnav: Khushi I mean... how could you leave this???

Khushi: Whenever I go to the police station, they ask me cheap questions. Also my father was paralyzed since I was young. So there was no one to support me.

Arnav(with death glare): I have a feeling that Arjun is involved in this.

Khushi: I knew... I confronted him. I took him to the court and did a DNA test of him and Arav. But it was negative. He admitted that he had mixed something in the glass and went away. I shouted at him for spoiling my life. He remained silent.

Arnav: Why did you leave him then? Khushi are you out of your brains??? You mustn't leave someone like this. 

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