Episode 30

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Khushi didn't know how to react. The person whom she thought was her worst enemy was the one who is going to marry her. She slowly stood up from there and goes away thinking deeply. Tears were rolling but not that much as it had reached it's peak. Shocked was a small word for her reaction.

Arnav cried as he knew he lost her. She took Arav and goes out of the hospital. Shyam and Arnav were wondering .

Arnav: I am sorry Shyam. We don't have Arav's hair to take the DNA test. It takes about a week for the report to come as earliest.

Shyam: But I've got his hair though.

Arnav saw Shyam having Arav's hair which Shyam had taken when he was with him. He got relieved. Arnav gave his samples and went to Khushi's house and told the truth to everyone. Everyone cried and Khushi was not ready to meet him. Her anger isn't justified here though as Arnav did it because of Sheetal. But she was upset. Arnav cursed himself. He now came to know about the advances he made on her and cried more repenting it. Nani slapped him for spoiling Khushi's life but at the same time she called Sheetal and slapped her hard for spoiling both her children's life.

Nani: Because of you both my son and daughter had to face so much! What woman are you Sheetal?

She slapped her again. Soon the cops come and arrest her. She wasn't expecting this. Shyam on the other hand pleaded Anjali every time. Soon one day he asked for her final decision as he couldn't handle more.

Anjali: Shyamji, this is my final decision. I won't accept you as my husband..

Shyam fell with a thud.

Anjali: Unless you make me the mother of this child.

She asks the child to come and that child calls her "papa"

Shyam: Mayuri!! Mayuri....I am sorry bachcha.......

Shyam hugs her and kisses her.

Shyam: Anjali.....thanks...thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!! You are already the mother of her. Beta haven't you thanked your new mom? I hope you must be accustomed to her hereafter.

Mayuri(seriously): What new mom?

Shyam and Anjali were a bit taken aback. Anjali was sad.

Mayuri: She is always my one and only mom. I don't have any other mom. I love you ma!(seeing her)

Soon Anjali was in tears. She couldn't be more happy. She rushed to her and kisses her. They have a family hug.

Anjali had taken the help of Shyam's friend who is a lawyer, just to surprise him and took the custody from Mayuri's so - called -mom. Initially she denied, but Anjali threatened her with a clip of her's torturing Mayuri badly. Anjali didn't like blackmailing. But she had to take this choice to save Mayuri as well. Also she had a motherly feeling on her.

Mayuri called Arav and told him that Shyam was the one who gave the present on father's day. Arav recollects those words.

"To my lovely child born 8 years back in the 15th of January.


Oh Yes!! It was not for him. But was for Mayuri and they also share the same date of birth!!! Arav was very happy when he found about Mayuri's parents. He was told that Anjali and Shyam were Mayuri's real parents and they didn't know it until now.

He heaved a sigh of relief. Now Arnav is his only father!! Though he didn't know about Arshi's fight yet!

Soon another day,

Khushi came to Nani's house with her family. Arnav feared the worst. He thought that they had come to break the marriage. He didn't come down because he was scared. Soon Khushi knocked the door. His heart was thumping heavily. He feared the worst that was coming. Khushi came to him. For every step she took, he feared more. But suddenly to his surprise, she hugged him

Khushi: I am sorry Arnavji. I know after what you did to me, I got angry because of my lost years.

Arnav: I know... I do understand you Khushi!

Khushi(sobbing): U understand...but I didn't. How bad I was to blame you and I really didn't understand that you were also a victim like me. Even you didn't know what happened. You didn't do it knowingly. I am sorry Arnavji. Atleast I'm happy that it was you. I couldn't imagine sleeping with someone else.

Arnav(breaking the hug): sh...sh....just tell me one thing Khushi! Will you still marry me?

Khushi nods crying and they hug again.

Arnav: I want to say one more thing as well Khushi. I never slept with any woman before. Not even my wife.

He says to her everything and about Shyam and Mayuri. Khushi was shocked and she was happy that they both had their first experience with each other.

Soon Arav comes running to them.

Arav: Papa papa, I missed you so much.

Arnav: I missed you too champ.

He kisses him and they have a family hug. Nani and the others had forgiven him and they asked sorry as well as it was not his fault either.

Soon Arnav and Khushi's marriage happened. Arav was very happy. Khushi and Arnav were in tears.

Soon, it was their first night.

Arnav was feeling uneasy as he did it before itself. Khushi came to him and kissed him.

Khushi: What happened Arnavji?

Arnav: Nothing Khushi..... I... I just got reminded of how I betrayed you...

Khushi stopped him keeping a hand on his mouth. She shook her head.

Khushi: You never betrayed me Arnavji. We thought we were unrelated but we always were related without knowing things. And by the way whatever happened, had happened for good.

Arnav: But after all that had happened..

Khushi: What happened Arnavji?? By the way I didn't know how you made love with me. So I want to do it now!

Arnav was surprised. He pecked her. He feels proud seeing how lucky he is to get a wife like her. If it would have been some other girl then it would have been very difficult. He might have been in jail for who knows what any other woman would do to him. He remembers what he said to her even in his inebriated state and smiles.  

Arnav: You know what I said after making love to you Khushi?

Khushi: What Arnavji?

Arnav: I confessed that I loved you and I wish I was married to you. I think whatever happened was for good only. There you are! Married to me!

Khushi was in tears. Arnav kissed her on both her cheek.

Arnav: Wanna see how I made love with you Khushi?

Khushi nodded fast happily. He removed the curtain from poolside and made the filtered moolight fall on her face. Her red lehenga and mehendi made her look more beautiful and added more glow to her. It added beauty to her fairness. Arnav comes to her. She was breathtaking. Both had their heartbeat fast. He hugged her and kissed her all over her face. It was time to kiss her lips. As soon as he brushed his lips on her, she felt chills in her spines. He soon removed her clothes and his clothes. The room filled with their moans and cries carrying their everlasting love forever.

The End

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