Episode 26

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Shyam: Yes I guess now that all my truth is out! Is there anything else you want me to say or shall we now shift the focus to Sheetal?

Everyone was wondering why he mentioned Sheetal's name. Arnav then shook off cuing nothing.

Shyam: Ms.Sheetal! it's good that you came now. Just look! you are now going to fall on your own trap.

Sheetal looked dreadful. She was about to run but is caught by Arnav.

Arnav: Why are you running Sheetal? Shyam wants to say something.

Sheetal: He's lying.

Arnav (curiously): Well he never said anything.

Sheetal: OOPS!!!Argh!

Her face turned red.

Arnav: This is not going good!

Shyam(smirking): Well Mrs. Sheetal why did you spike Arnav's drink on that day?

Sheetal was shocked.

Sheetal: What are you saying?? I don't know anything.

Shyam: Do you remember one day you never remembered coming back from the hotel. AS you said that no matter how much ever you drank, you always knew your way back home.

Everyone was shocked by now. Shyam showed him his phone and shows him a cctv footage of a hotel. He zooms for him the table where Arnav is sitting and talking with his client. Then everyone leaves and they see Sheetal coming to him and making him drink the juice forcefully. He was now going upstairs not walking properly. We see Sheetal's reaction, she was smirking.

Shyam was demanding her explanation by now.

Shyam: Why did you spike Arnav's drink? Also Arnav, I couldn't get the footage of all floors above as the camera was repair. Ms.Sheetal shall I say the rest or you prefer to say them?

Arnav gets hazy. He had heard this case somewhere. Soon they demand an explanation from Sheetal. By now Arnav was glaring at her badly.

Sheetal: ok since this much is out I'll say. I wanted to marry ASR. But he wouldn't budge so I spiked him on that day and made him go upstairs. It was a mood giving spike. I thought he would make me pregnant and so I could marry him and also since he doesn't love his wife, it'll be easy. Also Nani wouldn't budge if she knew that I was pregnant with ASR's child. But as soon as I went there after sometime I found him nowhere. If not, one of my college friends had come and stopped me! because of that idiot I couldn't go behind Arnav. Soon after ignoring that idiot, I went by the way where Arnav went and found him nowhere. I went to the room I booked and found him nowhere. So I thought it wouldn't be wise to tap other doors in the hotel and I went away. I knew ASR would come back. So the next day I checked and he was in his home luckily and I don't know who dropped him.

ASR was about to throttle Sheetal's neck and suddenly Shyam stopped him. (remember he throttled her in his dream)

Shyam: That was one of the hotel's driver who dropped him. He said ASR was lying on the floor outside room no 101.

Arnav: But Shyam.....I don't remember anything.

Suddenly he gets flashes. He remembers the blabber of Sheetal in his dream. The words!

Shyam: Remember Arnav you told me that you woke up one morning not knowing where you were. As you were supposed to be in the hotel but you were in your house not knowing how you came back? Just remember those events... You may recollect everything.

Arnav then remembers it.

Arnav: Everything is ok... but where did I go??? They said that I was lying outside room no 101 and the hotel guy picked me. But when Sheetal came I was nowhere. So it means I must have entered the room. So I must have entered room no 101.

Arnav: Shyam, do you know the person's name in which the room was booked on? l hope you must have researched on that too?

Shyam: Yes, I was about to say that! It was booked in the name of Arjun.

Arnav gets hazy and feared the worst. He couldn't confirm what he was thinking unless he had a proof.

Arnav: Could it mean..?

Shyam: What Arnav?

Arnav's heart beat fast. He asked Shyam for the cctv footage and saw the video again. He was watching it noticing each and every detail. Perhaps someone to be precise. There was a woman coming in a benze car just outside with her sunglasses and lowered her panes and gave a begger boy a few coins and she gets in the hotel. Arnav had seen this scene before!! in his dreams! But it was not Khushi here. It was someone else. He remembered the doctor's words. It needn't seem relatable. But these events may be a part of something bigger! 

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