Chapter 31

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Chloe's POV

Most people know me as someone who's never been too keen on....apologizing. Especially when I know I didn't do anything wrong! But this time was different; this time I went too far. What Adrien, Lila and I did to Marionette was a bit too much. I mean, we chased her out of her home! Even though I was mean to her for years I knew how much she loved living in Paris; and that she wouldn't trade the beautiful scenery here for anything else. Thinking about it made me nauseous. Knowing that I took so much away from that girl. But being with Nathaniel made me have a little change of heart.

We stood in front of the bakery doors, well, I stood in front of the bakery doors while Sabrina and Nath stood on the sidelines. I had never been so scared in my life. I knew by now Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng had a hatred for me; I did, after all, hurt their only child. "You can do this Chloe," said Nath supportively, "I believe in you." I smiled at him awkwardly before taking in a deep break and pushing the door open. Mrs. Dupain Cheng turned around at the sound of the bell chiming, "Welcome to the Dupain Cheng Bakery!" (AN: Is that what it's called?) "How may I help..." she stopped as soon as she saw who it was, "You!" she hissed, "What are you doing here!"

I took a slight step back, shaking as I spoke, "Uh...h....hey Mrs. Dupain...hehe." She gave me a cold glare before continuing, "You are not welcomed here. Leave!" By now I was full on scared. I couldn't even open my mouth to say one word. I can't leave now, I thought, I need to apologize. I took in a deep breath and stood straight, "Mrs. Dupain," I spoke bodly, "with....all due respect. I came here to say something very important. And I' not leaving until it's been said." Here eyes narrowed in on me, "What?" she spat. I took a few tiny steps closer to her and spoke, "I'm here today because.....because I.....I want to sincerely apologize. On behalf of myself, Adrien, and Lila. What we did to your daughter was unfair and cruel. All the ears of bullying and nasty treatment. I now realize I made a huge mistake. I should've tried to be her friend and not her enemy. The worst part about the whole thing is I had nothing against Marionette, I guess I just did it because my friends where doing it.  And I know it caused you so much pain when you found out. And for that I am so sorry."

To my surprise, she started to calm down a bit. This brought me a little relief, at least she listened to me. One point for Chloe. "Chloe," she began interrupting my victory thoughts, "I'm so disappointed that you felt the need to join in on the bullying of my daughter. But I'm glade you finally realized your mistake. I forgive you." This brought me so much joy, tears almost started to fall out of my eyes. "Thank you!" I smiled at her and she smiled back. With that, I left the bakery; Sabrina and Nath were standing outside waiting for me. "So," Sabrina asked eagerly, "how did it go?" I smiled at her and replied, "She forgave me." The three of us rejoiced for a little and then began walking down the street towards school. "So, what now?" Nathaniel asked. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him with a bold expression on my face. "We bring our blueberry back."

Alya's POV

"So what's the plan?" Nino said as I brought out a pen and paper, "How are we gonna prove Marionette's innocence?" I gave him a smirk before replying, "Calm down Nino, let me think." Formulating a plan in my head was much harder then it seemed, how was I going to prove Lila was lying? I looked up to see the devil herself walking towards us. "Well well well...look what the cat dragged in?" I said nonchalantly. Of course Chloe just had to walk in and ruin my vibe. What does poor Nathaniel even see in her? "Cool it Cesire," she fired back, "I'm not here for your games right now. We need to talk." I stood up and scoffed at her, "Talk about what?" I spat, "How you chased my best friend out f Paris? Or how you bullied her for years?"

"Hey!" Sabrina shouted, "If she was your best friend, how come you believed Lila when she accused Marionette of kissing Nino?" I glared at her, "I don't remember asking for your opinion." Chloe stepped in front of Sabrina, "Don't talk to her like that. That's my job." We glared at each other for a few minutes before the boys decided to break the ice. "Okayyyy," Nathaniel said, "everyone just cool down." Yeah," Nino pitched in, "We all want Marionette to come back to Paris eventually right? So let's all just work together." He did a little jazz hand as he said that last part. I turned around and crossed my arms as Chloe did the same, "I guess we'll have to," she said, "but only till we succeed at giving Lila what she rightfully deserves." I scoffed at first but eventually gave in. "Ugh, fine." 

"Well, now that that's been settled," said Sabrina, "what's the plan?" I thought for a few and then it hit me. "I got it! Chloe, Sabrina, you two are still friends with Lila right?" The two nodded in unison, "Perfect! so here's what's gonna happen. Obviously, if Lila faked the recording and diary entry she would've kept them somewhere right?" "Somewhere like her room!" Nino piped in, "Exactly," I said in return, "so all we have to do is search her room." "Great," Sabrina said, "but exactly are we going to do that?"  "Simple," I said with a smirk on my face, "Chloe, Sabrina, and Nathaniel will take Lila to the mall and keep her there as long as possible. Then Nino and I will creep into her room, and look around for any evidence." 

"Sounds like a good plan. After all, I love going shopping." said Chloe somewhat enthusiastically. "Now all we have to do is fins her." said Nathaniel just before the bell rang. "Speak of the devil." I said as a looked passed him towards the entrance, "There she is!" I said as I pointed towards her. Sabrina, Chloe, and Nathaniel turned away and walked in her direction; I couldn't really hear from the distance we were but from what I saw I think she agreed to go to the mall with them! Chloe turned around and gave me a thumbs up, signaling that they succeeded. I nodded in response and waited till I saw the leave in the direction of the mall. "Alright Nino," I said with determination in my voice, "let's go find some evidence."

As we walked to Lila's house, I thought about the whole reason I was doing this in the first place, I just hope Marionette can forgive me

The next day

I woke up today feeling triumphant. Yesterday, Nino and I found way more then just the photos Lila faked; we also found the diary entry, and a whole lot more. Turns out, Lila wasn't just lying about Marionette, she did the same thing for a lot of our other classmates. She had faked test answers for Ivan, another fake picture for Max, and even a plan for turning Adrien against his mom! She truly was a terrible person. In fact, the only thing she didn't lie about was that she moved here from Italy. I got out of bed, showered, and got ready for school. I met Nino, Sabrina, and Chloe at the door and we walked in together. "Okay you guys know the drill," I said, "we have to hurry before Lila gets here." 

We quickly got to work, the four of us, showing everyone in school all the mean and nasty thing Lila had done. And by the time she walked into school, no one was happy with her.

Lila's POV

I took in a deep breath of air as I reached the school doors. I finally....finally have everything I wanted. All these measly classmates of mine are in the palm of my hand, and they will always believe everything and anything I say. It's so great! And that pweny Maritrash isn't here to ruin my plans. I walked into school expecting smiles ad "good morning" messages. But instead I got glares and hateful stares. "What's going on?" I pretended innocently, "Why is everyone staring at me?" Without warning, they started calling me out on all the things I had done to them, and how I lied about everything. 

I tried to defend myself but I knew deep down it wasn't working. They had too much against me! Ugh! How did they even find all this? I thought I got rid of it. Just then Adrien came from behind a corner and stared at me, "Lila, is all this true? Did u really lie about Marionette and Nino?" He looked at me sternly and I knew I had lost. "Ugh!" I said in defeat. I stormed off an went back home pretending I was sick (not that they cared) I 'll come back in a few weeks when this has all died down (ugh....if it ever does) 

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