Chapter 5

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Lila's POV

Today is the start of phase 2 of my plan to be on top. That Maritrash is gonna be sorry for thinking she can just take away from me what rightly belongs to me! What's my plan you ask? Well, i'm simply going to take away her source of endearment....aka her friends. Once her little group of friends is gone, it'll be easy for me to get on top....and STAY on top. To start, I need to catch the attention of her little boyfriend Luka. I'm also interested in him so with my flirting skills, it shouldn't be hard to get him away from her. And if that doesn't work, I can do what I do best. Bend the truth. I took a shower and went into my closet to look for my best outfit. 

Well, obviously its not my best

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Well, obviously its not my best. But it'll have to do because i'm gonna be late for school. I got my bag and headed downstairs and out the door to school.

------At School-------

I finally got there and I met up with Chloe and Sabrina. I told them my plan about getting to the top of the school and having everyone adore and love me....and guess what? Chloe had a problem with it! She was ranting on and on and on about how much SHE has always wanted to be on top! She even went as far as telling me that she was going to do everything in her power to stop me. Even if that meant she'd have to become Maritrash's friend! Ew.  Fine whatever. I don't need her or her trashy friend Sabrina to do what I want. I'll still on top. And i'll make all of them sorry. My first step was to get something, anything that I could use against Maritrash. But that would mean that I have to....get close to her...ugh! Or maybe, I could get it out of one of her friends. Or...or....her diary! That's it! I don't have to get anywhere near her. All I have to do is get her diary. But where dose she keep it? Maybe her backpack? No, that would be dumb....even for her. Maybe it's in her room at her house. She lives in that bakery across the street? Yeah. Okay i'll check there after school. But SHE needs a distraction.......LUKA! He was standing right infront of the school doors, probably waiting for Maritrash. So, how was I gonna use him as a distraction for Marionette? I know! With a plan in my head, I walked over to him with a sweet, but fake, smile plastered over my face. "Hey Luka," I said, "Oh, hey Lila. What's up?" "I'm good. Where's Marionette?" "Uhhh....I don't really know. She's probably running late today." "Ohh," I said, same as always. "So, are you two doing anything today? Together? Away from Marionettes house?" " not really." He looked really nervous...perfect.  "Awww, that's such a shame. Pretty much everyone in this school knows you like her. Why don't you make a move already?" "Uh....because I don't really think it's the right time. She's so caught up in all this mess with you and Adrien....." "Me?!" I said, "i'm not part of Adrien's mess anymore, remember? He and I broke up. I actually broke up with him because I wanted to be Marionette's friend. You have no idea how guilty I felt when I realized I was doing something so terrible to an innocent girl." I did a fake sob and looked up at him to see his reaction. "Really Lila? You wanna be Marionette's friend?" "Of course! I would love to be. Could you, put in a good word for me?" I batted my eyelashes and puckered my lips so it would look like a puppy face. "Oh, sure of course Lila." After that he walked away. I smirked with delight. If Maritrash is gullible enough to fall for it, I can finally get what I want. Speaking of the little bastard, I saw her walk in to school with Alya and Nino....ugh! I need to get out of here.

Adrien's POV

I woke up and got ready for school, obviously. Once I got to school, I scouted out for Maritrash. I'm going to beat her to a pulp today and I know exactly how to do so. I just need to lure her friends away from her first. I saw her, Nino, and Alya sitting on the steps of school talking so I decided to go over and "join" them. "Hey guys," I smiled and waved. "What do you want Agreste?" Alya said harshly, "Yeah," Nino continued, "what?" "Oh relax guys, I just wanna talk." Marionette then got up from where she was sitting, "We have nothing to talk about Agreste." And with that, she walked off. Nino and Alya were pretty shocked by her tone of voice but I wasn't. She had already displayed this when she was with Luka. But let's see how she acts when she's alone. I ran away in the direction she walked off in and found her in a halway....alone. "Well well well," I said mischievously, "look who we have here? Our little MariTRASH." As I was talking I pushed her down, but she got back up. "What do you want Adrien? Can't you just leave me alone?" I chuckled under my breath, "Leave you alone huh? Well if I did that, I wouldn't have any fun. And you know how much I LOVE to have FUN." She just glared at me and tried to walk away but I pushed her back. "Your not going anywhere, i'm going to teach you a lesson in respect today Maritrash." "You know Adrien, I know your still upset about your mom," I looked at her with wide dare she bring up my mom?! She's the reason my mom is gone! "but I assure you, I don't know anything about your mothers disappearance, but if you stop thus now, we can talk about it." I thought about it for a minute. She was right, Marionette had nothing to do with my mom leaving without a trace and I know it. So why was I doing this to her? No! don't think about that Adrien! She's the reason you mom left you with that horrible excuse for a dad! I thought back to the day Lila and I became a team.  I told her about my mom leaving, the truth is my mom didn't disappear. She actually divorced my dad. Mostly because he was too caught up in his little fashion business to pay attention to me or her. Obviously, my mom got a little bit of his wealth but in the end my dad got to keep me. My mom told me that i'd be okay as long as I had Marionette beside me. As a little kid, my mind was telling me that my mom thought that it was okay to leave as long as Marionette was still my friend, implying that even SHE didn't trust me to run my own life. And that made me insanely angry. Not at her, at Marionette. And then Lila confirmed my theory by telling me the exact same thing. So I grew up thinking that it was Marionette's fault. Which is why I try to make her life miserable. She deserves it. As I collected me thoughts, I saw Marionette trying to escape my clutches and I dragged her back. "Your not going anywhere! It's all your fault this is happening to me! And you MUST pay!" She looked at me with rage in her eyes. "WHERE YOU NOT LISTENING TO A THING I SAID!?" I was a bot taken aback but I recomposed myself. Was she.......talking to me? "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF DO YOU?!" Ugh! She's making me angrier! "I only care about people who care about me! And nobody cares about me! So yes Marionette, I don't care about ANYONE!" We fought and fought but the next thing she said would seal the deal. "Awesome then, its no secret why your mother left you. Your a selfish.....self absorbed....BASTARD!" That lit me on fire. I was fed up with her before, but now I wanted to pulverize her! "You know what?" Was the last thing I said to her before I pulled her into a nearby janitors closet. She fought to get out of my grip and even tried screaming. But I eventually threw her into the closet, closed the door behind me, and turned off the lights. You don't even have to guess what happened next.

A/N- Heeeey I just wanted ya'll bad minds to know that he didn't rape her. He just used anything he could to beat her up in the closet. And the light were off so poor Marionette couldn't see a dang thing. Don't be mad @me though! Things will either be great for them or not-so-great for them.....just keep reading to find out what happens next! Oh and also tell you friends to check out this book if you like it! And follow me! Thanx ppls!

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