Chapter 34

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Marionette's POV

School had finally ended, and you'd think that I would be happy about that. Because it meant that I would get to go home and take a nice long nap. But nooooo. Today I have to tutor Veronica. Blehh. I squeezed me face as I walked out the front doors; just thinking abut that girl made me so angry. She was so proud, arrogant, entitled, salty, and just.....overall annoying and mean. I don't even know how Vera and Mackenzie put up with her. Or how I couldn't say no when the principal asked me to tutor her. Ugh! Sometimes I wish I had just a little bit of self centeredness in me. Just a little. I was getting into the car when I heard a familiar voice call my name, "Hey Marionette!" I turned around to see it was Luka! I smiled, he looked so cute today....just as he does everyday. It had been a couple weeks since Luka and I first went out. And ever since then we've gotten closer and closer. "Hey Luka," I said shyly, "what's up?"

He held up his guitar, "I came up with this new song? Wanna hear it?" My smile widened, I loved hearing Luka play his music. Because he's in his element. It's like there's nothing else besides him and his guitar. "Of course!" I said with glee. Bu then I remembered that I have another battle to face later on, "Oh shoot," I said as I slapped my hand on my forehead, "I'm sorry Luka, but I can't right now. I promised I would tutor Veronica tonight." He saw how upset this made me and gave me a hug, "Oooh wow. You sure you don't need some help?" I hugged him back, he's so genuine! "No, thank you though." We let go and he opened my car door for me. I hopped in and waved goodbye. He waved back and then headed over to the bus lanes. 

On getting home, I discovered my room was a mess. Veronica would be here soon so I decided to tidy thing up a bit. I took my design for the contest and hid it in the back of my closet. Knowing Veronica, she's probably looking for an easy way to steal my design and call it hers. I am so not taking that chance. I didn't realize how long I spent cleaning because a few hours later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see my number one enemy. "Marionette! So good to see you!" she said with a wide smile on her face. I was initially shocked. The girl that was standing in front of me looked and sounded like Veronica. But I wasn't quite sure if this was the same person or not. 

"Uhhhh....hey Veronica......nice to see you too? in." She kept the wide smile on her face as she glided toward the living room, and I shut the door behind us. She sat on the couch and took out her textbooks and notebooks, along with a very sparkly pen. "Okay," I said, "shall we begin?" She looked up at me with a surprised look on her face, "What? Already? Without giving me a tour of your beautiful home?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The Veronica I knew was shallow and conceded, what was going on? "Um...well your not really here for a tour. The principal asked me to tutor you." She stood up and interlocked her elbow with mine. "And tutor me you will, but first a tour!"

I looked at her wide eyed. This was not the kind of treatment I was expecting to get. Why was she being so nice? It made me super confused and I'm sure she saw that because what happened next really put the icing on the cake. She let out a deep sigh and said, "Look Marionette, I know we got off on the wrong foot. But I genuinely want to be your friend. Of course you don't really think I mean all that stuff I say about you. It's just for laughs that's all." A part of me wanted to burst put laughing. Who does this girl take me for? I shook my head internally and raised me eyebrow at her. I guess as long as I don't take her into my room.....I sighed, "Okay fine," I said nonchalantly, "let's go for a tour." 

She jumped up and down like a little girl and I took her around to all the rooms in the house; except mine of course. "And there's another bathroom, and that's all." She looked somewhat amazed at how big the house was, and kept saying how she wished her house was as big and yada yada yada. "You haven't shown me your room yet." I smirked and turned to her, "It's nothing to write home about. Just a bed and some walls." She continued to plead with e to show her my room. Which I found kind of weird, we've been here for a whole hour and no tutoring, just touring. "Ugh, okay fine." I finally gave in to her whining ad begging. I lead her to my room and opened the door. Making sure to block the doorway so she couldn't come in. 

"Oh come on!" she said, "Are you trying to hid something from me?" I rolled my eyes, how ironic of her to think that way. I noticed some dust on my desk and proceeded to clean it up when I heard my closet door open. "Woah, what are you doing?" I said as I rushed to close the door. "Oh! Nothing, just admiring....." she said as she looked around. "'s time to go back downstairs now." I lead her back down and she quickly grabbed her things and tried to leave. "But we haven't started the tutoring...." she interrupted my sentence, "Do I look like I care?!" and with that she stormed out. Now there's the Veronica I know. I slammed the door behind her and yelled, "Bye!" Ugh! Some people are so difficult!

AN: Hey guys! Here's a new chapter for ya :D

Sorry I'm not as active as I should be :( 

College is hard :(

And I'm majoring in Nursing so I'm applying to a whole bunch of Nursing schools right now. And Many of then require essays :(

But I will always try to make time to write new chapters! :)

Make sure you go check out my other books too! (I know this one is the best but it's not my only story! :))

Also.....9k reads.....9k READS!!!!! :D

Ya'll are the best! Thank you!

Maybe at 10k I'll do  a face reveal ;)

See ya in the next chapter! XD

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