Chapter 27

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AN- Hey Guys! I'm baaaaack! Yeah sorry I haven't uploaded in foreverrrr...School just started so I've been busy. But I'm going to try and publish chapters more often from now on. So anyways...on with the story! (finally)

Alya's POV

"Ready babe?" Nino said as he got my phone ready. I asked him to help me shoot a video for my blog (well, more like forced) and he was propping up my phone on the stand so he could record. I straightened my glasses and dusted of my clothes before replying, "Yep! Whenever you are!" I stood in front of the Eiffel tower with a bold smile on my face and Nino gave me the signal to start talking. "Hey hey hey bloggers! It's yo girl Alya here, and today I;m bringing you some special news. I just heard that Gabriel Agreste is guessed it,.... RE-MARRIED! Now, the identity of his new found love is still a secret. But I guess we'll all know on the D-day. The wedding is set to hold next week at his house (AN- Because we all know the Agrest house is big enough for a wedding) and it's strictly on invitation only, I got one." I said as I held up of decorative card, "And ya'll know I'm gonna be there live streaming the whole thing! So make sure you tune in next week! That's all for now guys, catch ya later!"

"Annnnd...cut!" Nino said as he pressed pause, "Wow I seriously can't believe Adrien's dad is getting re-married. I wonder to whom?" I came up to him and grabbed my phone before replying, "I know right, how's Adrien taking it?" He thought for a while and then chuckled, "Not very well. He can't stop complaining and whining about how much he doesn't want a stepmom. "Ouch," I said as I looked down at my phone, "The poor girl, there's already so many hate comments about her. People can't stop loathing her and we don't even know who she is." I looked at the comment section of the video I just posted and there were already guesses as to who the bride is. In truth we only have two options; Emily, his former wife, or Natalie, his assistant. Because those are the only two women I've ever heard Adrien mention before.

We walked passed Marionette's house, well, former house. And saw that it was closed, as usual. Every since Marionette left, the bakery is only open on specific days of the week (and even that changes sometimes). After what happened at school, and the video release of Mari slapping Adrien, the DupenChang's only open when necessary. It took a tole on the rest of the city more than them because for some people, that bakery was the only source of food. "Closed again," Nino said as we passed the bakery doors, "That's what, three times this week?" I sighed and looked up at what used to be the balcony of Mari's room. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I had to hold them back. This spot reminds me too much of Marinette, and what she did to me and Nino.

As if he was reading my mind Nino looked up and asked, "Hey...Alya, do you really think Marionette and I kissed?" I looked at him with a blank expression and held his hand, "Of course not." I replied. "Good, because I know we didn't. But then why were we mad?" Good question, it made me think hard.... Why was I mad at her? She's my best friend, I trusted her with my life, she could have never done a thing like that to me. So why was I mad?  It took about 10 seconds for me to answer, "Because she tried to tear us apart, and get attention from our friends, that's what Lila said remember? 

Nino finally looked down at the ground with tears in his eyes, "Alya, Marionette was our friend....she was the first person to talk to either of us when we came to Dupont high, she set us up together, why would she try and tear us apart? Neither of us ever believed the lies that came out of Lila's mouth until it was geared towards you and I. Think...think deep, do you really believe that Marionette would waste time trying to get me to kiss her, take pictures, and write about it in her diary? Even when she knows what she has to loose if any of it leaks? And why would Marionette of all people keep her diary in a place where Lila could find it? It just doesn't make sense."

At this point, the tears in my eyes started rolling down my face. Nino was right. The story and evidence Lila has don't add up. Does she even know Marionette used to live here? Thoughtless of where her diary was....only I knew that. "So...what your saying is Lila is lying?" I said between sniffs, "Yea," he replied once he calmed down. Internally slapped myself. It all made sense now, how could I have been so blind? Adrien, Chloe, and Lila were Marionettes biggest enemies, each had his/her own reasoning, and dedicated actually time and energy into making her life useless. I should have seen the red flags the day Mari and Lila walked into lunch together. I should have known she was only pretending to get close to Mari. 

I looked up at the balcony once more, "But why would Lila go through all that trouble? What does she stand to gain?" Nino frowned before replying, "I don't know. But we have to figure it out. Before things get out of control.

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