Chapter 1

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Marionette's POV

"Get up looser!" said the blond haired boy in front of me. We were at the back of the school, where no one else could hear my screams and cries of pain. I was on the floor looking up at what I presumed was a lock of golden hair, but my vision was bad so it could have been anything else. "I said get up!" I heard the voice again, and with it came a strong and powerful kick to my side and a punch to my face. Then I heard laughter, which-like cackles that could have only come from three female sources. Lila, Sabrina, and Chloe. You may be wondering what is going on, or you may have used the context clues to figure it out already. Whichever one you are, i'm going to tell you anyway. I'm being bullied. It's like this everyday. Wake up, go to school, get bullied by the "gang" as I like to call them. The gang consists of four people who share nothing in common except to make my life miserable. You already know three of them. Who's the fourth you ask? Well, it's none other that the famous Adrien Agreste. Supermodel, daddy's boy, playboy, and, my all time favorite ,bully.

Adrien and I, believe it or not, go way back. As in, way back. Our families use to be best of friends. That is until Adrien's mother dissapered. Also when he started bullying me. As if thins couldn't get any worse, his girlfriend Lila joined in, and then Chloe and Sabrina. I know for a fact that I never did anything to them. Till thus day Adrien won't tell me what I did to wrong him. But, it is what it is. "Didn't you hear him?" Chloe said, "Get up you stupid piece of trash!" Another kick to my stomach, this time coming from Lila. As I got up, I say Adriens face. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I remembered the promise we made to each other the day before his mom dissapered


"Marionette!" Adrien called out to me, "Wait Up!" I was outside of the school doors and adrien had just gotten out of his car. "Hey Adrien!" I smiled, we ran to each other and hugged. "Hey Marionette, lets go inside." He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the door. Funny enough, when we got inside, he was still holding my hand. I blushed a little out of embarrassment as some kids were looking at us. Adrien though, he didn't care. He was just happy to be at school and see all his friends.Although many kids thought his little hand-holding gesture was cute, some did not. A good example would be Lila. She scowled as she saw us entering the classroom. A look of sheer hatred on her face..

------Later that day------

Adrien and I were playing around in the field of flowers next to our school just opposite of the playground. "Hey Marionette?" "Yes Adrien?" "Can you promise me something?" I looked up, he had a look of wordiness on his face, "Sure." I said beginning to ponder to myself were this was going. "Can you promise me that, no matter what I do to you, we will always be best friends?" I looked at him and smiled, "Of course!" I said, "We will always be best friends Adrien, I promise."


"You little bitch!" *SLAP* And with that I was back on the floor. The day after I made the promise is the day the bullying started. Of course Lila found it easy to join Adrien simply because she already hated me. In middle school, Chloe and Sabrina joined in. And now, here I am; getting beat up by people who aren't worth an atom of my time. I found it in me to look up only to see Lila and Adrien making out in one corner. Did I mention I had a crush on Adrien? That was years ago though, he's dating Lila now so that ship has definitely sailed. I don't know what I even saw in him in the first place. And Lila? Well, I don't care about her, she's dating a playboy so the heartbreak will be my secret little revenge. As for Chloe and Sabrina, I always just thought that they did whatever Lila was doing just to keep their statuses in school.

"Get up and get out of here before I change my mind." said Adrien. Obviously, you didn't have to tell me twice. I scrambled up to my feet and ran away as fast as I possibly could with all the wounds. I heard them laughing in the distance, and I turned around to make sure none of them could see me before I started crying. My parents were away for some time on a baking convention so I had the place to myself. As I entered my house my mind wondered back to the promise I made Adrien. I promised him I wouldn't break it, but the evnts of today, and passed years had made me change my mind. I was no longer going to be friends with or even be there for Adrien Agreste. There was only one word ringing in my mind at that moment.




If only I had known how easy it would be to break it.

A/N- So this is chapter 1 :). I hope ya'll like it

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