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Veronica laughed to herself as she pulled her shirt back on, swatting her boyfriend, Jules away as he tried to kiss her neck again.  She rolled her eyes, and tried to fix her hair so her parents wouldn't suspect anything.  She quickly wrapped her silk scarf around her neck to hide the red mark that had just been made by a daring Jules.  She scowled at him as she covered it, mentally scolding him.  "You weren't complaining."  he said casually, pulling his shirt back on.  lisa laughed and sumbled up from the old fashioned couch.  

Her mom worked at the old Paris Opera House, as a tour guide.  This place was so old and disgusting, Veronica hated to be here, but at least these old hidden rooms had one purpose, she though as she blushed and eyed her boyfriend.  She sighed and looked around, examining the small room.  The walls used to be a pale pink, but were faded and ugly. Paintings of ballerinas adorned the walls, boring Veronica to death.  "Is this an old dressing room or something?"  Jules asked, on his phone, his voice low in boredom.  

She shrugged and examined her nails, ready to go to the party her best friend, Lisa was having at her dad's mansion in downtown Paris.  But suddenly a noise caught her attention and she lifted her head quickly.  Right in front of her, a floor length old mirror stood cracked open.  Why hadn't she noticed that before....  It's glass was dingy and the gold trimming had peeled and turned an ugly yellow.  Yet it still held a kind of beauty and entrnacement.  It was if it were holding secrets that were meant to be told.  

Veronica stood, and slowly began to walk towards the mirror, her hands trembling for some reason.  Jules glanced up from his phone, his brown eyes dull.  "V, you know the party starts in an hour, right?"  When there was no response he sat up a little.  "What are you doing?"  

She didn't answer.  The glass was smooth and electric beneath her fingers, causing her eyes to widen.  It opened wider at her touch and she gasped quietly.  Jules stood and crossed his brows, wondering what his girlfriend was looking at, and why she was so entrranced.  "You look high."  he said, chuckling softly.  V wasn't even listening.  She was poking her head inside the dark space uncovered by the mirror.  

"Oh my god, Jules.  I think this is a passage to the tunnels."  She breathed, jerking back inside.  "My mom says that they closed up all the entrances!"  She said, getting excited that she had just found her own passage.  

Jules of course, was in.  "Let's go."  He said shortly, pushing her out of the light dressing room and into the dark catacombs.  Veronica shrieked as he shut the mirror behind him.  "Hey!  What if there are rats?"  She cried, pulling out her phone and turning on the flash light.  He shrugged and gently pushed her forward.  "Walk."  He said, not caring what his girlfriend said.  She clenched her fist but did as she was told, curious too.

The tunnels had a strange feeling about them.  A sadness that seemed to suffocate Veronica.  But also, just below the anguish and pain, was a beauty, and a mystical feeling in the walls.  Like a tragic mythological forest.  She was intruiged, and knew that she had to keep going, or she would go crazy from curiosity.  

They continued to walk for several minutes, though Veronica's kitten heels weren't met for catacombs.  And Jules's short sleeved t shirt didn't keep the chill out.  

"Maybe we should go back.  The party is gonna start without us."  Jules complained, seeing that there wasn't service down there.  Veronica shook her ehad, sensing that they were close to the end.  

A black glassy lake stood before them, still and slightly menacing.  Jules shrugged and turned on his heel, ready to go back to the light.  But Veronica wasn't as easily swayed.  "There's a boat."  She said simply, pointing to a very old small gandola.  Jules laughed and shook his head.  "No way.  Come on."  He said, tugging at her skirt.  She jerked away and bent toowards the shore, pulling the boat closer.  "If you want to go back that's fine."  She snapped, not caring about him, only wanting to reach the end, wherever that was.  Jules groaned and crossed his arms.  "Veronica, this is bull shit.  If you don't come I'll go to the party with Loiuse."  He threatened.  Normally that would have sent her over the edge, but now she just shrugged.  "Okay."  She mumbled.

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