Pool Party!!

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Next day at 12:00 all the girls went shopping and all boys decided to have a suprise pool party when all girls comes.

Marinette's POV:

We all have done shopping and headed towards the hotel.We all heard sounds of boys screaming in joy and splashing water.Then we saw that they have planed a pool party.


All the girls went in girls changing rooms and changed in bikni's or one piece.

I put a hoodie for covering and went towards the pool.

Kim:Hey Marinette,come in the pool.

Mari:No thanks!!

Alya:Come on girl!!


Chloe:She is fat and ugly!!That's the reason she's not coming!!

Lila:Yeah,it's true!!

At this I got angry and threw my hoodie,everyone's jaw dropped.

Kim:Marinette,how do you have 8 packs!!

Mari:I workout!!

Then I rememberd that I'm Lady Bug.

Alix:You are on my team!!

Kim:No on my!!

Adrien's POV:

I was just staring at Marinette,she have abs and 8 packs and I only have 6 packs.How is this possible!

Then Marinette jumped from highest level and with a perfect flip in water and she was swimming like an exprienced champion.

No one's POV:

Everyone enjoyed the party and went into their rooms.

Sorry for short chapter.I'll update it soon.


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