After several years!!

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Several years later------

Emma was now 12, she was sitting in her room and was getting bored, thinking of something interesting to do. But was even more bored.

Then she saw an ancient Chinese designed small box on her study desk, she immediately got up from her bed and went towards her desk. Then she glanced at the small box. She took it in her hands and opened it.

As soon as she opened it, a small black creature started to fly around her room. She gasped and screamed.

Her parents came running to their room.

Mari: What happened, dear!!

Adrien: Someone attacked you!! Are you hurt!!

Emma: There is a cat-mouse!!

Adrienette: Cat-mouse!!

Then Adrienette gives each other a knowing look, then the black creature yelled.

Plagg: I want a Camembert!!

Adrienette: *shocked* Plagg!!

Plagg: Adrien and Marinette!!

Then Plagg ran towards Adrienette and hugged their cheek with his tiny paws.

Adrien: I missed you Plagg!!

Plagg: Me too kid!! But I miss the Camembert!!

Then Marinette disapperad through the door, while Plagg was explaining everything to Emma about being Chat Noir. Mari came back with cheesecake and Plagg dig inside it!!

They were just talking, when they all heard a loud crash.

Adrienette: Ready, Emma!!

Emma: Anytime!! Plagg Claws Out!!

Adrienette: We are proud of you!!

Emma smiled and went to fight the Akuma.

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