What the HECK!!

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Mari's POV:

I was in castle in my room with my bestie Alya and my sister Bridgette.They both were talking,while I was listening to them.I went to washroom and looked in the mirror,I screamed.


Alya:Girl,you okay!!

Bri:Sister what happened!!

Then they both looked at me in shock.

Alya:What happened to your eyes and hair!!

Bri:They're purplish-blue in color and your hair is like Rapunzel with mix of purple and blue.

'I don't know!!What the Heck it is!!'

Then my Mom and Dad came running in my room.

Dad:Where's the attacker!!


Bri:No one attacked,just see Marinette!!

Then they looked at me in shock and smiled.

Mom:It's common with all Princesses.


Mom:It's your powers dear,you got your powers.Bridgette and Alya will also get their powers as they're Princesses.

'O-h-k,sorry for trouble'

Mom:No worries Dear!!

With that they left my room.

Alya:Show us your power!!



Then I moved my hands randomly,but nothing happened.

Alya:Nothing happened,Girl!

Bri:It will be different method.

Then I noticed a strange bracelet on my hand it was green,blue and purple.Something was written on it in 'Ancient Chinese' language.I can't understand it,but then suddenly I saw a small button on the bracelet.I pressed it without thinking.Then a green fog appeared,after sometime.It disappeared and there was a ghost like figure.It was a soul.She was beautiful and harmless.

Alya:W-who are you!


Woman:Calm down!!I'll not harm you.I'm here for telling Princess Marinette,that how to transform and use magic powers.


Bri:Super Powers!!

Woman:Ok,Marinette you have all three powers which only one Princess had before.So you can basically transform in 3 at a time.


Woman:When you have to transform.You'll say '3 powers transformation'(I have made a spell myself).

'Can I try'

Woman:No wait!! when I'll go then you can try it.Now listen.


Woman:Now super Powers.Super Powers are given to every Prince and Princess to protect themselves and their kingdom in case of emergency.


Woman:Your main powers are 3 as you know.You can read anyone's mind and can use his/her attacking skills on him/her,before they could make a move.




Woman:Second power is of teleportation.You can teleport anything anywhere,even in space.




Woman:Next power is of Lady Bug,not of Paris.As all know Lady Bug means luck.So there is a second chance,you also can go back in past and change things.


Alya:Wow girl!!

Bri:You have cool powers Sis!!

Woman:Okay!!So my time is ended I had to go!!bye!!


Alya:Now use a power gurl!!



Then I used my first power to read Alya's mind.She was thinking 'I also want powers like Mari'.

'You also want powers like me Alya,right.'

Alya:Oh my!!It works.I'm glad that I didn't think anything embarrassing.

'Oh Alya'

Then I used my second power and teleported Bridgette from bed to the floor.She was surprised.

Bridgette:Hey!!I'm on floor!!



Alya:Last power!

'No Alya I will not use it until it is needed it is most powerful power from that of the two.'

Bridgette:Yea!!She's right!!


Then I looked at the clock it was ten.

'Good Night girls!'

Alya:Good Night Mari *Yawns*

Bridgette:Good Night Sis !!

I went to my bed and slept peacefully.





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