Meeting my Fiance!!

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Marinette's POV:

Next day I waked up feeling dizzy.I saw Bridgette my sister lying next to me.I lloked around and saw that I was in my room in castle.i got ready and waked Bridgette.We both went towards the dinning room.

I saw my mom and father talking.Then they looked at us and smiled.

No one's POV:

Queen:Girls,you are awake.Marinette go and change in some formal clothes!

Mari:WHY!!Are we going out.

King:Today you'll be meeting your Fiance.

With this Marinette ran towards her room.Got dressed and her make up,hairstyle was perfectly  done by her maids.She then came down after half hour.

Mari:Do I look good!

Bridgette:You always look good.Don't worry it will be fine!!

Mari:Thanks sis!!

Then Marinette hugged her.She hugged back.

After sometime a black limo stopped in front of Palace and two people entered the Palace.

King Gabriel:Good Morning,Felix.

King Felix:Good Morning.

Then Adrien came behind his father.

King Felix:Good Morning,Gentle-man!

Adrien:Good Morning!!

All four(Adrien,his father,Queen and Marinette's Father)st in dining room,waiting for princess to come.

Adrien's POV:

We were sitting in Dining hall waiting for the Princess to come.Then suddenly MARINETTE came down stairs and looked at me in shock and I gave her the same shocked face.

No one's POV:

Adrien/Marinette: Marinette/Adrien!!What are you doing here!!

King Felix:You two know each other!!

Marinette:Yes father!He goes in same school as mine!

King Gabriel:Good to know!!

They all ate lunch and King and Queen left Adrien and Marinette alone.

Adrien:So you're Princess of China!

Marinette:Yep,and you Prince of England!



Adrien:I'm glad that I'll be marrying you.

Marinette:Me too!!

Then Adrien went back to their hotel.Marinette was still in her Palace.Tomorrow she'll be having fittings for her dress,so her Mother told her to leave in Palace.


Hey readers,what you think of this chapter.Let me know in comment section.Bye for now!!

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