The Tour!!

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Mari's POV:

Today our class was going on a tour of China's ancient museums and Great Wall of China.I was still in Palace.I get ready and waked up Alya.After we both were ready.We went in dinning hall/room and ate breakfast.

Then we sat in a Limo and rode towards the hotel.Once we reached their,we saw all standing at the entrance waiting for the bus to arrive.Then they saw us coming.

Chloe:How do you get a Limo!!Again!!

I looked at Alya and then at Adrien and smiled.

Mari:Well I'm from China and I'm pretty rich here!!

Lila:Don't lie!!

Mari:Why should I lie.


Ms.B:Keep quiet.

Then the bus arrived.

Everyone entered the bus.While entering in the bus Alya smirked evilly at me and I gulped.She sat beside Nino before Adrien could.Then Adrien searched for empty place.Before I could say anything Chloe ans Lila barked.

Chloe:Adrikkins!!Sit here!!With me.

Adrien:No thanks Chloe.But Sabrina is there sitting already and I don't want to sit with you.


Lila:B'coz he'll sit with me!!

Adrien:No way.I'm sitting with Marinette!!


Ms.B:Be quiet!!


Ms.B:No buts!!


I was sketching all the time than I glanced at Adrien/Chat Noir sitting beside me.He was staring at me.I lightly blushed.When he found that he had been caught staring at me,he deeply blushed and looked away.

It was my time to reveal it!!

Mari:Oh,look a huge flirt Chat-on is blushing!!

When I completed my sentence he looked at me in full shock.

Adrien's POV:

When she completed the sentence I froze.Chat-On!!What.She knows that I'm Chat Noir and also a huge flirt!!Then suddenly I remembered what Lady Bug said me 'I'll only call you Chat-On'.I gulped and looked at Marinette in shock.Same midnight blue hair,same voice,same height,same bluebell eyes.I'm that blind.She was next to me all time.I'm a jerk.


Mari:Yes Chat-On!!

Adrien:It was you,all this time!!


Adrien:How did you find out!

Mari:Oh my,*face palms* You said you'll marry Princess of China.

Adrien:Ohk!!I'm glad its you!!

Mari:Me too Kitty!!

Then after two long hours they arrived their destination.

They visited all mysterious museums and also The Great Wall of China.

After that all the girls went shopping with all the boys.


Sorry for short chapter.I'll update soon.




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