Meeting Royals!!

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No one's POV:

Today was the day.Marinette was going to see her biological parents and there is also a big decesion taken by her parents.

Marinettte and Alya woke up early and got ready and Alya and Marinette went in a limo to the Palace.

The ride was short and Marinette was just fascinating the beauty of her kingdom while Alya was listening Music.

They both arrived the Palace.It had a grand enterance welcoming by garden filled with flowers like roses,marigold,tulip,shoe flower and there also was a pond filled with diffrent colours of lotuses(India's National flower).It was very fascinating.Then there was a large(Second door)for enterance inside the Palace.There was a big Dinning room.They both waited for the King and Queen to arrive.

Queen Bridgette:Marinette,my darling.We saw you after so many years.*hugged Marinette*

King Felix:YES Marinette,we're sorry for keeping you away from us.But it's for your safety!

Mari:I can understand it Dad!!

They all including Alya talked for hours about Marinettte,what she likes to do,her bullies,how much things she knows to do and so on.

Queen:Marinette,dear now you will be the Queen at your coronation which is after this week.


Felix:But if you are a Queen you need a King and we both have chosen Prince of England.He is very handsome gentleman.

Mari:WHAT!! But I want to choose by my own!!

Queen:We can't dear!!

Marinette:Okay!But I'll never love him!!*thinking*because only one has won my heart and he's Adrien.

King:Day after tomorrow you'll meet your finance.


Queen:Tomorrow again you'll have to come to Palace!!


Then Alya and Marinette went back to the hotel.

At hotel

Nino and Adrien:Where you guys were!!


Alya:We were at her aunt's house.To see her aunt.


Nino:But tell and leave next time!!


Then they both went to their rooms and slept.Marinette was still afraid about the fact that she have to live in China.How will she fight the akumas with Chat Noir as LadyBug.


King Gabriel:Adrien,come here!!


King:You'll going to marry Princess of China.

Adrien:WHY!!I'll choose it on my own!!

King:No!!Do as I say.Understood!!

Adrien:Yes Father.

End of Flashback--


Hey guys what do you think about this chapter.Tell me in comments.

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