Coronation Day!!

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Mari's POV:

I woke up very early, as today was the day all were waiting for so long. Today was my Coronation. I'll be the Queen and Bridgette was twenty seconds smaller than me, so she is going to be Princess.

Then I got ready, ate breakfast. Then came the time. All maids surrounded me and told me to hurry up. Some are giving me my accessories, where others were busy doing my makeup and some were giving me my dress.

I was a little irritated, I know they were helping but it was a way too much. But anyhow I have to deal with it as I'm going to be the Queen.

My gown was long red in color with a mixture of black color coming from the bottom of it. It was actually comfortable and was made of pure silk. At the top, it had a flower broch, which was looking elegant on my gown and I had worn black 2-inch heels.

My makeup was simple. I had red lipstick and a dark layer of Mascara, which perfectly showed my blue-bell and purple eyes.  I also had some foundation, which Chloe always puts on her face.

My hair was tied up like Rapunzel, as I got powers, my hair was long like Rapunzel with a light mix of purple color in it. Some red flowers were also seen in my hair. I was looking full different and beautiful, I can't believe my eyes.

Then the time came, I was standing in front of a big closed door, behind the door everyone was willing to see me. I was just so scared. Now tell me who will not be scared during their Coronation. But then my mother gave an assuring smile and calmed me down.

Then my father called out loud.

King: I know that we're here for Princess Coronation, but first there will be the crowning of Princess's Lady in waiting. So we have the Lady in waiting is......Princess of Spain Alya Cesair.

My class froze and Nino was so much happy that he was completely blushing.

Then Alya proudly walked on the red carpet, in a beautiful purple gown.

King: Do you take an oath to help our future Queen in ruling this Kingdom!!

Alya: I swear!!

Then my father placed a Tiara on Alya's head. Which represents Lady in waiting.

King: I announce you as a new Lady in Waiting!!

Alya slightly bowed and stood beside the stage.

King: Now I present you all my daughter and Future Queen of China Marinette Dupain Cheng!!

Then I took a deep breath and the big doors opened, I walked proudly on the red carpet.

I could see my class cheering for me in the crowd and also could see Lila giving me a death glare. But I let Lila go in the trash because it is my time. I cheerfully waved at the crowd and walked to the stage, where my Father was waiting for me while standing there feeling proud.

Then I stood in front of my father and he spoke.

King: Do you swear to protect this Kingdom and also to make an even better future and to listen to citizens of China and also to remind us of our great culture and importance of life!!

'I swear' I said smiling proudly.

Then King placed the  Queen's crown on my head and spoke.

King: Now I present you Queen of China Marinette Dupain Cheng!!

I could hear and see people cheering for me and smiling. I smiled and waved at them.

Now the time was for the party which is in the hall after my Coronation.

I quickly ran and changed my dress and came to the ball.

Then I met my old friends, I took them all to my class who were still in shock but happy.

Rose: Marinette you're the Princes!!

Alix: Why didn't you tell us!!

'Privacy matters' I said to them in a word.

Kim: That means Lila was lying!!

Alix: I'm gonna murder her!! (@Dipanshiii you coming)

Everyone(except me): Me too!!

Then we all enjoyed the ball party. Adrien asked me for a dance and I happily agreed and Nino and Alya also reveal their Prince and Princess secrets to each other.

Well, I was so happy, but this is not the happiest day. It is tomorrow, my wedding day!!!

712  WORDS




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