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Marinette's POV:

I went to my room. Without speaking or telling what letter I found. Then I sat up on my bed just thinking about a perfect plan to rescue my twin, Bridgette.

Then suddenly I glanced at the bracelet of my powers. My powers, oh yeah I forgot that I have powers. My sister didn't have her powers yet. I then remembered my third power, in which I can go back in time. (Well I loved the power of Viperion of a second chance, so I added it)  But I can't just bring my sister here from the past, then I'll be her kidnapper.

I need a perfect plan for the rescue!!

Then I made a plan and decided to go back in time.

Then I hold my right hand up and said "Three powers transformation." I then looked at my body. I was wearing a Chinese style dress, it was like Lady Bug themed. It was so comfortable and anyone can fight in wearing that dress.

Then I pressed the blue color button on my bracelet and in my mind, I decided which time I had to go. Suddenly a white flash appeared and I was disappeared from my room to the past.

I then saw Bridgette talking to me and Alya in past. Then she started walking in the garden, I followed her without knowing anyone. Then she sat at a chair and asked the Butler/Kidnapper to bring tea for her. After some time he came with the tea and an evil smile plastered on his face. He handed the cup of tea to Bridgette, as soon as Bridgette took a sip of tea. She fell to the ground.

Then the butler/kidnapper carried her and started running, I followed him without making a sound. Then he kept her behind the Palace. Suddenly a black van came out of nowhere and Butler/kidnapper and hurried inside the van with my sister.

I followed them without any delay because I had a superpower to run fast and to be invisible. It went out of the city and faraway. Then it finally stopped in front of a dark alley. Then the butler and his companion entered the alley, without knowing that I was following them. They opened the door to a dark empty room and thrown my unconscious sister in and went away, leaving her alone.

I was mad at the kidnapper, but I needed to go back and rescue my sister in the present time, not in past. Then I just hugged the unconscious body of my sister and said 'You'll be safe I promise!!'

Then I left the place, I had made a map while running behind the car. I then decided to go back in my present time. I pressed the blue button again while thinking about the time I want to go and with a white flash I came back.

Everyone in the Palace was still searching for my sister but I knew where she is then I escaped Palace quietly without anyone's notice with my superhero speed and invisibility.

With the help of my map which I had made. I reached my destination. The door was locked, then I opened it with the help of my hairpin. As I opened it, I saw my sister. She was conscious. As soon as she saw me, she ran in my direction and hugged me tightly. We remained like this for a moment and then released the hug.

Now we had to go back to the Palace and take revenge on that butler and his companion. I carried my sister to the Palace. But I told her to remain quiet because we had to trap the butler. The next thing I did was made a deep hole in the ground and started to hide it by putting some leaves on it. Then I saw Butler coming in the direction of the hole. I evilly smirked. As he kept his foot on the trap, he fell down in it and cried for help. ( I know that this is a little childish trick, but sometimes is very useful. Especially when you are running away from someone)

Then I went to my father and mother and told them everything that happened, they both were shocked by seeing that I saved my sister. But smiled proudly at me.

Then the guards took the butler and his companion to the jail. To ask questions, but they didn't answer the question that who was their boss!!

I was still afraid because Coronation was the day after tomorrow and I don't want to get anyone harmed because of me!!

776 WORDS!!




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