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Marinette's POV:

Next day I literally woke up at 6:00 before alarm!!I was little suprised.II got ready,ate break fast.Now it was 7:00.I waked Alya!!

Mari;Wake up!!GURL!!

Alya:Not now!!

Then I slightly smirked!!

Mari:Nino is here!!



Alya:Not cool!!

Then Alya got ready and by 7:00 we left Hotel,riding in a Limo.We saw my mother,father and one girl sitting in the room.Waiting for us.

No one's POV:

Mari:Good Morning Mom,Dad!!

Queen:Good morning dear!!

King:Good Morning Sweetie!!

Mari:Who's this!!

Queen:This is Bridgette.Your twin sister!!

Mari;Oh,okay.WAIT,MY WHAT!!

King:I know you're shocked,she's your twin!!


Mari:Hi!!Mom Dad I have a twin and I don't even know her!!How could you!!

Queen:As I said,you have lost your memories!So you don't remember her!


Queen:Girls!!Come with me!!

Mari and Bri:Okay,Mom!!

Then Queen took them both to a secret underground chamber.There was a mysterious pond.

Queen:Go in that pond!!With this clothes.

Mari and Bri:WHAT!!

Queen:Don't worry your dress will not get wet!!


Mari's POV:

As we entered the pond I don't get wet,instead all my childhood memories were playing like a movie in my mind.

I was able to feel it's presence.I remembered how I learnt to sing,dance(ballet),fencing,boxing and such things!!I was just mixed up with all emotions and everything fainted from the corner of my eyes being foggy.For a while I was lost in ghostly silence.

I woke up in a beautiful garden filled with amazing flowers and trees.Then I saw Bridgette laying next to me.I waked her up.Then we both started fascinating the garden.Then I suddenly heard someone from back.We both turned and saw a beautiful maiden dressed in traditional Chinese clothing.

Woman:Hello,I'm Mian.I ruled China before 300 years.

Bri:Oh no!!We are dead and are in Heaven with our Ancestor!!

Mari:Chillax!!This place is amazing!!

Mian:Don't worry you are not in Heaven.You are in a Secret Royal Place of China.You;re here for gaining your powers!!

Both sister's:POWERS!!

Mian:Yes, every Royal have power's.Let's what's your power!!

Then she placed a Wand on Bridgette's head.

Mian:You have Power of...........ALL ELEMENT'S POWER!!

Then she placed a Wand on Mariette's head.

Mian:You also have same power!!


Mian:Now listen go back!!I'll contact you later.


And with this the maiden disappeared and both sisters woke up in their Castle's room(They both woke up at 7:00 in evening).Their parents and didn't question them be'coz they knew that both girls need sometime.Both were confused but then It was late.So they decide to sleep.


HEY guys write in coment section that what you think about this chapter!!BYE FOR NOW!!

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