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Marinette's POV:

I waked up as usual. Then got ready and ate breakfast at the dining hall. Then my Mom called me.

Queen: Dear, now you, Alya, and your twin Bridgette should go and give measurements for the coronation and wedding dresses.

'Okay, Maman!!'

Then we all three went to different rooms, then all the tailors started taking measurements. I had chosen Red color for Coronation and a white wedding gown. Alya chose Orange color for Coronation and a Purple gown for my wedding. Bridgette chose yellow color for Coronation and Blue color gown for my wedding.

After fittings, I and Alya went to take a bit of rest. Bridgette was just roaming all around the Palace. I warned her to be safe, but she shrugged it off. She was just roaming and seeing the Palace from all directions.

I entered my room and immediately fallen asleep, whereas Alya was also sleeping. It was afternoon now because measurements of Princesses took a  lot of time.

As I woke up, I can hear footsteps running here and there in the corridor, in the passage, hall, dining hall, ball, everywhere. Then I immediately got up and rushed to open the door. As I opened the door, I went to my mother and father. My mother was crying and my father was in silence.

'What happened Maman!! Is there an attack!!' I said to them giving a worried look.

Queen: Your twin had been Kidnapped!!

'WHAT!!!' I shouted, holding back my tears. My twin Bridgette and I just had met and she had been Kidnapped. Poor her!!

'Are you sure that she had been Kidnapped!!' I shouted.

King: We had searched for her everywhere but she is nowhere found, that means she is kidnapped.

Then I hurried and rushed to the garden, where I last saw her. There on the tea table, under the cup of the tea. There was a folded paper. I took the paper and opened it, it was blank full blank. But I know this trick. Then I saw a tap located in the huge garden. I rushed towards it, still wearing my heels. I opened the tap and holded the paper under the flowing tap for some seconds. Then the words which were written on thePaper letter became visible.

Dear Anyone,

I have kidnapped your little Princess Bridgette. If you want her back, then don't do the coronation and handover the Kingdom to us.

Kindly your new Butler

I was just shocked by reading it, Butler was the kidnapper. Oh my god!!

Without any further delay, I took this case into my hands. Without telling my parents or anyone else, not even Alya.

I have a perfect plan to rescue my sister and also to take revenge on that Kidnapper!!

496 WORDS!!




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