An Encounter with Hawk Moth!!

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Marinette's POV:

I was in my room, Alya was updating her Lady Blog. I was just so tired and bored!! I wanna go back to my friends at the hotel. I want to see and meet them and especially I want to talk to Adrien. After we revealed our identities, I started to fall for him even more and more. Now I love both parts of him as sweet Adrien and as flirty Chat Noir.

Then suddenly my mobile vibrated. I got up from my bed and yawned like a lazy lady. I then picked up my mobile to see who texted me. Then I saw and I zoned out for a moment, it was Adrien.

Bold: Mari/Italics: Adrien.

Hey, M'lady!!! See the news!!


Just see it and will understand.


Then I on the big screen T.V. which was in my room. Then I saw the news. I gasped. It was HawkMoth. He wasstanding on the tallest building in China's town which I was currently in and screaming in high pitch, finding LB and CN.

Then I quickly texted Adrien back.

Hey!! Hurry up I'm coming!!

I'm already there!!

What!! Ok, I'll come!!

Then I glanced at Alya who was busy updating her LB blog. I took a chance and escaped the castle while I was transformed in LB.

Then I rushed, where HawkMoth and Chat Noir were their.

I jumped at the roof of that building and saw HawkMoth and Chat Noir.

Chat Noir: Why hello M'lady!!

'Hello, Chat!!

HawkMoth: Hello LB and CN.

'So here to fight with us again!!'

HawkMoth: No!! I had to talk to you both!!

Chat and I glanced at eachother with a confused look plastered on our face.

Chat Noir: About What!!

HawkMoth: I'll tell everything!! But let's go to a private place!! Please!!


Chat Noir: *nods*

Then we all three went to a private place away from all cameras and public.

HakMoth: So!! I want to apologize and also I have to give you my miraculous!!

Chat and I were shocked.

'Is this a trick!!'

HawkMoth: No it's reality!! I first want your miraculouses to bring my dead wife back, to make my family happy again. But I was all wrong. I never paid attention to my son. But I can see that my son has found the love of his life and is happy with her. I don't want to make him sad.

Chat Noir's mind: I wish my father told me this!!

Then HawkMoth detransformed and we both gasped.

'Gabriel Agreste' I said while holding Chat Noir's hands.

Then he gave Mayura and Butterfly miraculous to me.

'We won't tell anyone that it was you!' I said giving him a small smile.

Gabriel: Thank you!!

With that he dissappeared. Then I glanced at Chat Noir, who was smiling sadly. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

Then we both made our way from lots of reporters and fangirls/boys.

I entered palace, Alya was sleeping peacefully. It was night. I had my dinner and went to sleep.

Who know that something strange and terrible thing is gonna happen tomorrow!!





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