25 - Important

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It makes me mad really to see not only myself but even other people being broken over the fact that they are not accepted and supported (e.g. for thei sexuality, for their dream jobs, for their gender, for their creativity, for the fact that they wanna be better persons, the stuff they like and rhe stuff they hate) and then being the "bad guys who should be avoided and turn the back on" ect. Sometimes, I look myself into the mirror. Not to see and confirm if I'm beautiful, how many prickles I have on my face, if my hair is okay, if I'm thin or fat but to tell myself to stop thinking of negative stuff. "Yes it is unfair to be treated badly and being called as the bad guy to be called a "liar" and having someone taking the side of a person who spreads rumors about you, it's indeed unfair to be called responsible for having someone spreading rumors behind your back, being responsible for their sayings and actions they themselves chose to say and do but stop thinking of negative stuff. Remember that you at least, still are a person who believes in humanity and politeness. Don't lose any of them for the sake of badness behind or around you. Don't do things that you don't like being done to." Just because I'm not immature like I used to be but mature and serious (still I have some insecurities tho), doesn't mean I don't break down and I have no feelings. Of course I have feelings. I feel feelings much more easier now. Of course I break down when something bad happens to me and to the rest of the people around me. At least the ones who care about me.

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