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Lucifer hummed and danced to the music at his penthouse. This was gonna be another pleasant night for him - the Brittnys were to come over his place for an ecstatic, magical night. The elevator chimed, the door opened. As Lucifer swirled around in his own mood to have a good look at them, WAIT..That's not the Brittneys. With a plain, old black jeans and a loose, hanging red chequed shirt, hair unkempt stood a figure quite familiar to him.

"Detective?' Lucifer exclaimed, half smiling, half confused. It was late at night and he was definitely not expecting his co-worker to join the fun. He eyed her up and down, scrutinising her recent behaviour. Chloe could hardly stand on her feet, and she could hardly keep her eyes open. Like a swinging pendulum, she trudged past Lucifer towards the mini bar, shuffling her feet messily. Lucifer crouched his brows in concern, as much he loved seeing the Detective in his penthouse, he never wants to see her sulking and drinking so bad. It was not her happy drinking. The Brittneys, completely faded away from his mind, the only thing he wanted to do was hug her badly, fondling her hair and sing her a sweet lullaby, taking all her worries away and sending her to sleep. He could make out from her face that she was fighting with herself, and the reason was Detective Douche.

"Has something happened Detective? And from the looks of it, I suppose with Dan perhaps?" He said the last two words under his breath, gulping, not sure to bring out her sadness even more by mentioning Dan's name.

"You mean Detective Douche?" She replied almost instantly. Her high pitched reply revealed the amount of angst and anger she had been supressing by drinking. Suddenly Lucifer's stomach swirled with butterflies and not in a good way. The matter was serious, he thought. And his concern for her soared higher. He slowly walked towards her, holding her wrist with one hand tightly, and wrapping his other hand around her waist for a strong support, while she almost leaned on his body submitting completely herself. Lucifer was strong enough to handle the weight and pressure she was giving on him.

"Douch is for me, but the question is why is it for you?" He panted out his question while dragging an overtly heavy, and drunk Chloe to the couch. Do humans normally gain weight miraculously after drinking? Or was she teasing him with a pretence of being heavy? Whatsoever it was not much of a problem for the exceptionally strong Lucifer. As he sat Chloe down on the couch, who almost instantly slouched there, he said, " Detective, stay right here. I am going to bring some lime water for you. Gosh! You drink like a high schooler." He chuckled. But who would let him go? As he was about to walk around, he felt a sudden cold hand around his neck,and then grabbing the collar of his white shirt, pulling him almost on top of the drunk girl, their lips inches apart. Lucifer's eyes widened as he felt Chloe's hot,shuddered breath on his nose. Her hands still wrapped around his neck, eyes hardly open. Lucifer felt him erect, and goosebumps spread over his body. Suddenly his body tightened, his muscles tensed, and a pleasant chill ran down his spine. His shuddering breathing , flickering eyes between Chloe's eyes and lips, and him licking his lower lips revealed the amount of nervousness. Yes, Devil can get nervous too, especially when the sexual tension is so high!

And suddenly he heard her whisper, "Dan ended it with me tonight. With a text. I mean what are we in High school?" Lucifer gained the control he needed. He softly pulled away from the detective's embrace and sat beside her, looking at her with concerned eyes. Chloe continued, "And once I cared about him so much! I shall not be so good from now.." She blowed out hollow air from her mouth, lamenting. Lucifer rubbed her back, softly to ease her pain, causing her to curl near him. "No detective, you cared about him because you are a good person. And bad things happen to good people, that's a terrible irony my father has created!" His voice was soft and comfortable, but at the end he hoarsed his voice a bit, expressing little disgust over his dear old dad. Chloe looked at him, her eyes as if a swirling blue tornado washing his entire existence with its cool, fiercity. How can the detective manage to take away his breath only every single time they meet?!Its prepostorous!

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