Little Fisticuff between brothers

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Chloe felt bad for what happened earlier that evening. Lucifer and she just went through an unhealthy conversation regarding his wings. Somehow things have been crazy! She put an APB on a stolen wings, which Lucifer claimed to be his. When she went to warn Lucifer about a raid to the place where his wings were, she was introduced to a black, tall man, with a different accent, Amenadiel who by any chance, was Lucifer's brother. Shocking! And then when she got a lead about Palmetto from Dan, and she insisted Lucifer to tag along with her, his coldly refused. Obviously the wings were a far more important priority for him than his partner. Chloe's anger flushed down her cheeks and she snapped at him. But now she felt that she was a bit selfish. Of course Lucifer would care about his stuff! It's clearly important to him...for some reason. And nonetheless she didn't want the bad conversation to choke their partnership and friendship in that case. She couldn't help but wonder why does he mean so much to her? It's not like he has always NOT been a dick to everybody, he is immature, impulsive, childish. Then why is it that a part of her always reacted to his inuendos and to HIM?

Chloe shook her thoughts back as she entered the LUX. Unlike the other days, it was empty, silent. The only tune was coming from the piano, placed at the center of the club, and of course the one playing it was the club owner. He was in his own bubble, running his hands down the keys of the piano, and swinging in its rhythm. The tune was melancholic, yet serene, and comforting. Chloe slowly walked towards him and stood by the piano quietly. Lucifer paused abruptly hearing her footsteps, as if he recognizes them. Lucifer recognizes every breath of his detective, of course he would know her footsteps. Chloe neared Lucifer to get a clearer view of him.

Lucifer's face was abnormally swollen, with fresh cuts and bruises all over, blood dried to form a patch at the corner of his lips, his left eye was small and turned to a light shade of purple. Over all observation - brutally beaten up. But how? She has seen the abnormal strength of Lucifer, when he pushed the PR agent in his initial days and he went flying across the room. Chloe curled her lips in half astonishment as she sat on the bench beside him. Lucifer gently pulled himself sideways to give her enough space. She blinked at him twice awkwardly.

"What happened?" She asked

Lucifer was taken aback by the question for a fraction of seconds before realization struck him that Chloe was talking about his face. "Oh, this..You know a little sqaubble between the brothers, nothing to worry about detective."

"I didn't like how we left things at the auction earlier." Chloe shot an apologetic look and Lucifer nodded to himself briskly.

"I agree Detective..You shouldn't have left the things like you did...and well..I...." After a short pause, " Sorry, what was I saying?" Lucifer chuckled with a subtle tone of sarcasm. And the inner eye roll of Chloe burst out as a short ringing laugh. She knew Lucifer, and how deep his denials can be. But they were guile free. And somehow she enjoyed this side of Lucifer.

"I know how hard it can be to stay alone. And I can't pretend to understand why those wings mattered to you so much. But the only thing I know is that they did. And if we are really friends then that should be enough for me."

For a split second, Chloe felt as if Lucifer's eyes were tearing up, but he blinked them away. She was sure that she touched a soft spot of him. Lucifer was extremely promiscuous, narcissistic, terrified of intimacy, uses drugs. And Chloe saw those big, ugly scars on his back and when she tried to touch those, how protective and defending he got. "It's because of him, I father." She knows how vulnerable Lucifer get's sometimes and desperate he becomes to hide those dredging feelings. She feels as bad for him, but she knows Lucifer doesn't like sympathy or empathy rather. So she changes the subject everytime.

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