Evil shall be released.

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Are you ready Ms Decker?" Kinley asked calmly, a weird amount of coyness in his voice. Chloe nodded a yes. They were in her apartment just in front of the main door, discussing the first step of their plan - giving the sedative to Lucifer. Kinley gave her the address where Lucifer was staying in Vegas and now Chloe had to keep her end of the bargain. And though she had second thoughts, it was not the time. Kinley quickly handed the vial of the purple liquid to Chloe, which she oggled for sometime before tucking the little thing into her jeans pocket. Kinley read her expressions, taking in all the wrinkles of doubt or her face as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder," We knew this would be difficult, Miss Decker." He said with the minimum efforts to raise his voice, almost swallowing the last two words. Chloe gave him a blank expression, her eyes already started filling up.

"Will Lucifer be safe after this? This will not harm him, right?" She wondered.

The father's expression unreadable, " Mentally yes. Because he somehow thinks you could never hurt him.."

"I WOULD NEVER!" Chloe screamed, cutting him off. Thankfully, Trixie was in Dan's. So the voice only echoed back to her.

"..I know, Chloe. But you also should know that you are betraying him too. Sending him back to hell is a kind of betrayal too, and it would surely break him. But if you have to keep him safe, keep your child safe, then you should think of the greater good. Trust me, I have got this from a very experienced someone. God is there with us. If we don't do this, evil shall be released.." Kinley smiled at Chloe, but somehow her heart stoned seeing him smile like that. She didn't respond. Kinley was always so clever and double sided. Chloe could never trust him completely, but what she trusted was the vial was just a sedative, and it wouldn't harm Lucifer.

Lucifer's face was surprisingly expressionless. But Chloe could see through him, his anger and tension. They were driving back to LA. Chloe and Lucifer were in her car, siren on, while Amenadiel, Maze and Linda followed them right back in Linda's car. Lucifer was already driving way beyond the speed limit, but he was careful that it was not too fast for the detective. If it would be anyone else, Chloe would freak out. But she trusted Lucifer, more than her life. She buckled up and squeezed her seat belt for a firm support to the mind boggling speed their car. Okay, Chloe, you are not going to die today, Lucifer is there with you right, nothing will happen! It has been hardly two hours after Dan called Chloe, about the case, and they were almost flying down the road to LA. Her mind was stuffed with thousands of questions, swirling around a like violent tornado. Lucifer didn't utter a word throughout the entire journey. But the slight twitch in his adam's apple pointed out that he was willing to speak something. Come on! Chloe can make that out! She is a bloody detective!

"What is it Lucifer?" Chloe finally spoke. Lucifer turned his head towards Chloe, eyes not straying from the road. He saw her from the corner of his eyes,

"Detective, where exactly can we find your friend Kinley? Like wise, twenty five demons are roaming around the city, and if Kinley is behind all of this, he won't be exhibiting himself in front of the devil, inviting me to tear his arms and legs off!"

"Lucifer, I think Kinley didn't try to banish you, he tried to kill you." Chloe replied, her voice concerned..Lucifer gave out a short, choked laugh, sarcasm evident in the laughter.

"Did he now! I know that Detective! Obviously I am not that naive!"

"No its not.."

"Detective, tell me, when did you last contact Kinley?"

"oh..umm, just before i entered your hotel. He sent me a text.."

"right.." Lucifer's voice suddenly sounded sad, as if gulped the sorrow boiling within him. Chloe looked away from him, trying to hide her sadness as well. As she pulled out the phone from her pocket and opened the message,

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