Mystic Art or Something?

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He is gone! He is really gone! He left us...he..left me..

Chloe's eyes still, her expressions hardened as she saw Lucifer's lifeless body in front of her. It looked half as good as him when he was alive. The body has already contracted, limps crumbled to his side, and the pale white body, with blue lips and dark sunken eyes, made him look ghastlier than a dead zombie. The guy so fascinated to looks, and fashion and good things in life was gone like this. Her knees drawn to her chest, crookedly she sat beside him, quietly, there were no tears in her eyes, nothing left to shed. A part of her died too. Now what will she say Trixie, when she would ask, "Mommy, where is Lucifer? Can I meet him?" What will she do with the life in which he isn't a part of? The one month without Lucifer was a living hell for her, but atleast she knew he was alive and safe. But now the heaviest burden of killing her partner was on her..How will she stay alive? Her life will never go back to normal..

"Oh Lucy! We are so sorry!" Amenadiel's voice shaky, choked with tears running down his face. He drew closer to Lucifer, staring and sobbing quietly, as his hands moved over his stoned chest. Maze kept looking at him with cold, teary eyes. Her best friend, her only family, the one with whom she had spent millenia in the hot fiery pit of isolation, who kept her safe and protected from any kind of frustration seeping into her, was now gone. All of a sudden.. Maze and Lucifer were a family, and now she was left all alone. Her face rusty with the emotions screaming to burst out of the face. Her temples pained with pain, anger and frustration. "You did not do good Lucifer!" She kept mumbling under her breath.."You promised me you will never leave me..and that's exactly what you did!.."Her voice raising to a higher note than the previous one, untill she realised that she was practically shouting in the room.."You abandoned me again! Get up you devil! I am yet to kick your ass! Get up! How can you do that do me? After everything we've been through, how can you go away without me!!!" She punched a hole through the wall by the bed in the pained fury and left the room..god knows where?

And Amenadiel, he silently watched Chloe, his eyes bouncing between her and Lucifer's. He wanted to angry, to be furious on Chloe but he also knew the unimaginable pain and guilt Chloe was suffering. He trudged through the door slowly, wiping his tears off the cheeks.

As he reached the door, he turned around to have a final look at them, "You know, i know I will have to take his body to the silver city Chloe, Lucifer's soul can't follow the gates, but his body surely can. The siblings shall have a ceremony for him.. Tell me when you are ready. I am right outside.." Chloe didn't reciprocate, as though her senses weren't there, her eyes just strayed on the long body lay across the bed. The body of Lucifer Morningstar. Moments passed in silence..And the creek of dawn had converted to a bright sunny day, the sunlight falling over Lucifer's pale face through the window, making it shine. The view would have been a pleasant one normally, but not then. As if it was spotlight to Chloe reminding her that the face she was seeing, the close eyes will never open again and the sealed hardened lips would never spread to give the warmest smile to her..She felt cold, and her hands subconsciously pulled over his chest, and snaked all over his body untill she was holding him tight, her head rested on his chest just over his heart, and the eyes which were once dry, started filling up. She cried..She cried and cried letting out pained shrieks and sudden shivers..She moaned, she hiccuped sobs and she cried on his chest..His red satin gown, drenched with her tears as she cried more..

And then her ears shook of a sudden vibration. Amidst all the pain, she couldn't make that out untill something moved under her head once or twice. Her cheeks flushed with disbelief as she kept still, waiting for another movement..And there it was! Again the same movement! But how could this be possible!? She lifted her head to face Lucifer's body for a moment and then placed her ears on his heart again..Again! That was beyond doubt a heart beat! Her eyes rounded in suprise and happiness, untill she sat straight to her former position getting a clear view of his full body, which was now glowing in a soft white light.."Amenadiel! Maze! Come here!" She shouted out loud, to which the other two came running only to find Lucifer's body rejuvinating itself, withing the soft light wrapped around him..

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