The Past and The Present

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Skye let out a sigh, letting the wind snatch it away and toy with it in the air. The morning mist still hadn't settled, and a cold draft floated in through the many open windows. A dragon's elbow knocked against his wings, shoving him over to the countertop. The marble stone it was made of was cold to touch, and Skye jumped back, only to be hit harder into his place.

"I want them all to see the treasure I have," the dragon drawled. "They won't underestimate me again."

"You have been showing them for the past eight years. They don't need to know anymore. Frankly I don't think they even care," Skye pointed out, earning him a fist to the head.

"Of course they care! They very well know how much they hurt me, and they need to be put in their place!"

"Much like you're hurting me now?"

The dragon snatched up Skye's bracelet, dangling it in the air. 

"I'll snap it in half boy. Do not talk at all for the rest of this day." 

Skye obliged, and his bracelet was returned to him. His bracelet, his only memory of his life before he was stolen, was the one thing he could not let get destroyed.


"Skye!" A loud shout woke him from the world of sleep. "Get over here!"

Skye willing his sleepy feet to walk over to his master from his room at the very furthest point of the house.

"Look more presentable! Clean yourself up and move into the basement. My daughter has arrived and she will sleep in your room."

Skye wished he had stayed wrapped in his silk bedsheets a moment longer, missing the comfort they brought on cold nights. On the other talon, the basement was where all the other things that were stolen from him. He could possibly dig around for clues about his past.

"No, no," his master said, as though he remembered that too. "You will sleep in the attic. The spiders do need some friends after all."

Skye nodded and went to collect his blankets and bracelet. His master called after him.

"My daughter will use those blankets to sleep on. She deserves only the finest silk. You can use whatever you find in the attic."

Skye nodded again, letting a soundless growl escape from him. He climbed the ladder up to the attic, hoping and wishing that his master's daughter would not stay for long.


The daughter's name turned out to be Mite, and she was in fact quite kind, despite her father's aggression. He also caught his master's name - which was Rove - when he heard voices below him. Other than that, all he had done in the two months Mite was staying was sit in the attic, or occasionally be called down to look pretty and let Rove boast about him. The day Mite left was bittersweet. He was happy to have his room back, but sad that the only dragon to feel sympathy, or any feeling besides anger toward him.

He was back to being a beautiful object to look at, and nothing else. His legs became tired, and more sore every day, until he could barely stand. He was excused from his 'job' for two days, only because Rove didn't want his 'treasure' to die.


"I am leaving," Rove announced, almost ten months after Mite's visit. "My daughter's dragonet is hatching a week from now. I was asked to come personally. You are to remain here."

Skye nodded happily, and his master walked out the door.

Ok...I guess now would be the time to check the basement...I want to know what my life used to be.

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